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1 Samuel 16:7


by ... appearance <05027 04758> [Look not.]

men ... People <0120> [seeth not.]

view ........ look on ........ looks at <07200> [looketh.]

appearance <05869> [outward appearance. Heb. eyes. on the heart.]

1 Samuel 16:2


<03212> [How can I go.]

Take ... heifer <03947 01241> [Take an heifer.]

For the prudent management of the affair, and to avoid suspicion, Samuel was directed to go to Bethlehem to sacrifice, as he probably did from time to time in many different places; and the answer which he was instructed to return was strictly true though he did not tell the principal design of his coming; for though no man in any circumstances should tell a lie, yet, in all circumstances, he is not bound to tell the whole truth, though he must tell nothing but the truth, and so tell that truth that the hearer shall not believe a lie by it.

<03027> [with thee. Heb. in thine hand.]

come <0935> [I am come.]

1 Samuel 1:23


Do .... think <06213 05869> [Do what.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

nursed ... son <03243 01121> [son suck.]

1 Samuel 2:18-23


ministering <08334> [ministered.]

linen ephod <0646 0906> [a linen ephod.]


small robe <04598 06996> [a little coat.]

{Meil katon,} "a little cloak" or {surtout;} an upper garment: see note on Ex 28:4.

at ... intervals when <03117> [from year to year.]


The natural place for this verse seems to be before the 11th, after which the 21st should probably come in; and after the 21st, perhaps the 26th should follow.

bless <01288> [blessed.]

one <07596> [loan. or, petition which she asked, etc.]


So ..... attended <06485> [visited.]

grew <01431> [grew.]


Eli <05941> [Now.]

Israel <06213 03478> [did unto.]

women <0802> [women.]

It is probable that these were persons who had some employment about the tabernacle: see note on Ex 38:8.

stationed <06633> [assembled. assembled by troops.]


do ... behave <06213> [Why.]

hear <08085> [I hear, etc. or, I hear evil words of you. by all.]

Ecclesiastes 9:11


Again <07725> [returned.]

race <04793> [that the race.]

time <06256> [but.]

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