1 Samuel 23:19-21
Ziphites <02130> [the Ziphites.]
Hakilah <02444> [Hachilah.]
Calmet states, that Hachilah was a mountain about ten miles south of Jericho, where Jonathan Maccab‘us built the castle of Massada, west of the Dead Sea, and not far from En-gedi.
south <03225> [on the south. Heb. on the right hand. Jeshimon. or, the wilderness.]
Eusebius places Jeshimon ten miles south of Jericho, near the Dead Sea; which agrees extremely well with the position of Hachilah, as stated by Calmet.
discretion <0185> [all the desire.]
Delivering him <05462> [our part.]
Psalms 10:3
boasts <01984> [boasteth.]
[hearts. Heb. soul's. and blesseth, etc. or, the covetous blesseth himself, he abhorreth the Lord.]
Lord <03068> [whom.]
rejects <05006> [abhorreth.]
Psalms 49:18
alive <02416> [while he lived. Heb. in his life. blessed.]
praise <03034> [praise.]
Jeremiah 5:30
horrible ... shocking <08047 08186> [A wonderful and horrible thing. or, Astonishment and filthiness.]
Matthew 3:15
Let ................. yielded <863> [Suffer.]
for <1063> [for.]
Acts 12:22
Acts 24:2-4
through ............ through <1223> [Seeing.]
Felix, bad as he was, had certainly rendered some services to Judaea. He had entirely subdued a very formidable banditti which had infested the country, and sent their captain, Eliezar, to Rome; had suppressed the sedition raised by the Egyptian impostor (ch. 21:38); and had quelled a very afflictive disturbance which took place between the Syrians and Jews of C‘sarea. But, though Tertullus might truly say, "by thee we enjoy great quietness," yet it is evident that he was guilty of the grossest flattery, as we have seen both from his own historians and Josephus, that he was both a bad man and a bad governor.
Most excellent <2903> [most.]
Romans 1:32
fully know <1921> [knowing.]
deserve <514> [worthy.]
practice .............. approve ..... practice <4909 4238> [have pleasure in them. or, consent with them.]
Romans 1:1
Paul <3972> [Paul.]
a slave <1401> [a servant.]
called <2822> [called.]
set apart <873> [separated.]
gospel <2098> [the gospel.]
Romans 4:5
But ..... who does ... work but <1161 2038> [But to.]
believes <4100> [believeth.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
his faith <846 4102> [his faith.]