NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 7:2-17


longed <05091> [lamented.]


really <07725> [A.M. 2884. B.C. 1120. An. Ex. Is. 371. return.]

remove <05493> [put away.]

<03559> [prepare.]

serve ....... deliver <05647 05337> [serve him.]



Gather <06908> [Gather.]

<04708> [Mizpeh.]

pray <06419> [I will pray.]


drew water <04325 07579> [drew water.]

Grotius says, that the pouring out of water means the shedding of tears; and the Targum reads, "And they poured out their hearts in penitence, as waters, before the Lord." Others suppose that it was done emblematically, to represent the contrition of their hearts, and their desire to wash away their past offences. But some learned men conceive that it was poured out as a libation, in token of joy, after they had fasted and confessed their sin, as they were wont to do in the feast of tabernacles. (See note on Nu. 29:35.)

fasted <06684> [fasted.]

sinned <02398> [We have sinned.]

led <08199> [judged.]


afraid <03372> [afraid.]


Keep <02790> [Cease, etc. Heb. Be not silent from us from crying.]


nursing <0259 02461> [a sucking.]

Lord ... cried ..... Lord ....... Lord <02199 03068> [cried unto.]

answered <06030> [heard. or, answered.]


thundered <07481> [thundered.]

panic <02000> [discomfited.]


Beth Car <01033> [Beth-car.]

This place was probably situated in the tribe of Dan. Josephus calls it [ ;] the LXX. [ ;] Targum, Beth-saron; Syriac and Arabic Beth-jasan; by which Houbigant supposes is meant Beth-shan.


took a stone <03947 0259 068> [took a stone.]

Ebenezer <072> [Ebenezer. that is, The stone of help.]

Lord <03068> [Hitherto.]


defeated <03665> [subdued.]

invade <03254 0935> [came no more.]

Philistines .................. Philistines <06430> [against.]


peace <07965> [peace.]


led <08199> [A.M. 2873-2947. B.C. 1131-1057. judged.]


travel <01980> [he went.]

When he was at Bethel, the tribe of Ephraim and all the northern parts of the country could attend him; when at Gilgal, the tribe of Benjamin and those beyond Jordan could have easy access to him; and when at Mizpeh, he was within the reach of Judah, Simeon, and Gad: but at Ramah was the place of his ordinary abode; and there he held his court, for there he judged Israel: and as it is probable that Shiloh was destroyed, it is said (ver. 17) that there, i.e., at Ramah, "he built an altar to the Lord."

circuit <05437> [in circuit. Heb. and he circuited.]


return <08666> [his return.]

built <01129> [he built.]

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