Kidung Jemaat
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Hidup Kita yang Benar [KJ.450]
1. Hidup kita yang benar haruslah mengucap syukur.
Dalam Kristus bergemar; janganlah tekebur.
Mzm 92:2
Mzm 107
Mzm 136
2 Kor 9:12
Ef 5:20
Kol 2:7
Kol 4:2
1 Tes 5:18
1 Tim 2:1
2. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
3. Biar badai menyerang, biar ombak menyerang,
aku akan bersyukur kepada Tuhanku.
4. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
5. Apa arti hidupmu? Bukankah ungkapan syukur,
kar'na Kristus, Penebus, berkurban bagimu!
6. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
7. Bertekun bersyukurlah hingga suaraNya kaudengar:
"Sungguh indah anakKu, ungkapan syukurmu."
8. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
9. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah, sempurnakan syukurku.
Roh Kudus berkuasalah di dalam hidupku!
10. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!Play Kristus, Penolong Umat yang Percaya [KJ.254]
1. Kristus, Penolong umat yang percaya, Bintang harapan,
b'rikanlah cahaya dalam gelap, ancaman dan bahaya;
tolong, ya Tuhan!
Kis 4:23-31
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Datang, ya Tuhan, datang memerangi ombak dan badai
yang melanda kami. Di kemelut rohani dan jasmani
Kaulah Perisai!
Mrk 4:35-41
Ef 4:14
3. B'rilah Gereja damai dan sentosa, damai sejati
bagi penguasa, damai sejaht'ra bagi tiap bangsa,
damai di hati.1 Tim 2:2
4. Kaulah Pelindung umatMu yang papa, maka namaMu
patut dimuliakan. Kini di bumi dan kekal di sorga,
s'lama-lamanya.Play Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play
1 Timothy 2:1-8
[1Ti 2:3] Ah! Whither Should I Go?
Ah! whither should I go,
Burdened and sick and faint?
To whom should I my trouble show,
And pour out my complaint?
My Savior bids me come;
Ah! why do I delay?
He calls the weary sinner home,
And yet from Him I stay.What is it keeps me back,
From which I cannot part,
Which will not let the Savior take
Possession of my heart?
Searcher of hearts, in mine
Thy trying power display;
Into its darkest corners shine,
And take the veil away.I now believe in Thee,
Compassion reigns alone;
According to my faith, to me
O let it, Lord, be done!
In me is all the bar,
Which Thou wouldst fain remove;
Remove it, and I shall declare
That God is only love.Some cursèd thing unknown
Must surely lurk within,
Some idol which I will not own,
Some secret bosom sin.Jesu, the hindrance show,
Which I have feared to see;
Yet let me now consent to know
What keeps me out of Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 2:5] Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?
Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For sinners such as I?
[originally, For such a worm as I?]Refrain
At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, Thine—
And bathed in its own blood—
While the firm mark of wrath divine,
His Soul in anguish stood.Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature’s sin.Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away
’Tis all that I can do.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 2:6] Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard.
Tell how the angels in chorus,
Sang as they welcomed His birth.
“Glory to God in the highest!
Peace and good tidings to earth.”Refrain
Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard.Fasting alone in the desert,
Tell of the days that are past.
How for our sins He was tempted,
Yet was triumphant at last.
Tell of the years of His labor,
Tell of the sorrow He bore.
He was despised and afflicted,
Homeless, rejected and poor.Refrain
Tell of the cross where they nailed Him,
Writhing in anguish and pain.
Tell of the grave where they laid Him,
Tell how He liveth again.
Love in that story so tender,
Clearer than ever I see.
Stay, let me weep while you whisper,
Love paid the ransom for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 2:6] There’s A Sweet And Blessed Story
There’s a sweet and blessèd story
Of the Christ Who came from glory
Just to rescue me from sin and misery.
He in lovingkindness sought me,
And from and sin shame hath brought me.
Hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me.Refrain
Hallelujah, what a Savior,
Who can take a poor lost sinner,
Lift him from the miry clay and set him free!
I will ever tell the story,
Shouting, “Glory, glory, glory!”
Hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me.From the depth of sin and sadness
To the heights of joy and gladness
Jesus lifted me, in mercy full and free.
With His precious blood He bought me;
When I knew Him not, He sought me,
And in love divine He ransomed me.Refrain
From the throne of heav’nly glory,
O the sweet and blessèd story,
Jesus came to lift the lost in sin and woe
Into liberty all glorious,
Trophies of His grace victorious,
Evermore rejoicing here below.Refrain
By and by with joy increasing,
And with gratitude unceasing,
Lifted up with Christ forevermore to be,
I will join the hosts there singing,
In the anthem ever ringing,
To the King of Love, who ransomed me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal