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2 Chronicles 1:6


thousand <0505> [a thousand.]

2 Chronicles 5:6


2 Chronicles 15:11


sacrificed <02076> [offered.]

time <03117> [the same time. Heb. in that day. seven hundred.]

2 Chronicles 29:32-33


total <04557> [the number.]

Comparing the sacrifices offered on this occasion with those of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, we may form some idea of the decrease of the prosperity and riches of Judah, or of the decline of the general spirit of piety.


<06944> [the consecrated.]

It is probable that the consecrated things denote the peace offerings and thank offerings.

2 Chronicles 30:24


supplied ............. supplied <07311> [did give. Heb. lifted up, or offered.]

Many <07230> [a great.]

2 Chronicles 35:7-9


Josiah <02977> [Josiah.]

supplied <07311> [gave. Heb. offered.]

30,000 ............ 3,000 <0505 07970> [thirty thousand.]

According to the calculation, that not fewer than ten, nor more than twenty persons, were to join for one kid or lamb, the numbers given on this occasion would suffice for above 400,000 persons.

royal <07399 04428> [the king's substance.]


officials <08269> [his princes.]

supplied <07311 05414> [gave. Heb. offered. willingly.]

Hilkiah <02518> [Hilkiah.]

leaders <05057> [rulers.]


supplied <07311> [gave. Heb. offered.]

2 Chronicles 35:1


Josiah <02977> [Josiah.]

The whole solemnity was performed with great exactness according to the law, and upon that account there was none like it since Samuel's time; for even in Hezekiah's passover there were several irregularities. Bp. Patrick observes, that in this also it exceeded the other passovers which preceding things had kept, that though Josiah was by no means so rich as David, or Solomon, or Jehoshaphat, yet he furnished the congregation with beasts for sacrifice, both paschal and eucharistical, at his own proper cost and charge, which was more than any king ever did before.

fourteenth <0702> [the fourteenth.]

Josiah's solemnization of the passover, which is merely alluded to at 2 Ki 23:21, is very particularly related her, while the destruction of idolatry is largely related in the Kings, and here only touched upon. The feasts of the Lord God, appointed by the ceremonial law, were very numerous; but the passover was the chief. It was the first which was solemnized in the night wherein Israel came out of Egypt, and ushered in those which were afterwards instituted: and it was the last great feast which was held in the night wherein Christ was betrayed, before the vail of the temple was rent in twain. Be means of this feast, both Josiah and Hezekiah revived religion in their day.

2 Chronicles 8:1


After <07093> [at the end.]

2 Chronicles 8:1


After <07093> [at the end.]

2 Chronicles 8:1


After <07093> [at the end.]

2 Chronicles 29:21


brought <0935> [they brought.]

The law only required one bullock for the sins of the high priest, another for the sins of the people, and one he-goat for the sins of the prince: but Hezekiah offered many more, and the reason appears sufficiently evident: the law only speaks of the sins of ignorance, but here there were sins of every dye, idolatry, apostasy from the Divine worship, profanation of the temple, etc., etc. The sin offerings, we are informed, were offered, first, for the Kingdom, for the transgressions of the king and his family; secondly, for the sanctuary, which had been defiled and polluted; and for the priests, who had been profane, negligent, and unholy; and finally, for Judah, for the whole mass of the people, who had been led away into every kind of abomination by the above examples.

seven ... seven ... seven .... seven <07651> [seven.]

sin offering <02403> [a sin offering.]

Ezra 6:16-17


people ............. exiles <01123> [the children.]

[children of the captivity. Chal. sons of the transportation.]

dedication <02597> [the dedication.]

joy <02305> [with joy.]

Having set up the worship of God in this dedication, they took care to keep it up, and made the book of Moses their rule, to which they had an eye in this establishment. Though the temple service could not now be performed with so much pomp and plenty as formerly, because of their poverty, yet no doubt it was performed with as much purity and close adherence to the Divine institutions as ever. No beauty is like the beauty of holiness.


offered <07127> [offered.]

sin <02402> [a sin offering.]

number <04510> [according to.]

Though the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with the priests and Levites, formed the bulk of the people, yet many from the other tribes had returned with them from captivity.

Ezekiel 45:17


prince <05387> [the prince's.]

The prince is never mentioned in the ritual appointments of Moses, but here he is required to provide the oblations; and the variations in the Mosaic law, in the number of the several sacrifices, and the proportion of the meat offering to each, being ten times as much as the law prescribed, with several other circumstances, seem more like enacting a new law, than enforcing that of Moses. These variations may intimate a change in the external constitution of the church; and it is probable that they are to be understood emblematically.

festivals <02282> [in the feasts.]

provide <06213> [he shall prepare.]

peace offerings <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings.]

Micah 6:7


accept <07521> [pleased.]

streams <05158> [rivers.]

give ...... as payment <05414> [shall.]

offspring <0990> [body. Heb. belly.]

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