NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 Chronicles 29:25


stationed <05975> [And he set.]

ordered ........ orders <04687> [according.]

Gad <01410> [Gad.]

Nathan <05416> [Nathan.]

ordered ........ orders <04687> [for so was.]

Lord's .................. prophet ..... Lord ....... through ... prophets <03068 03027 05030> [of the Lord by his prophets. Heb. by the hand of the Lord, by the hand of his prophets.]

2 Chronicles 29:1


<03169> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Hezekiah.]

[Ezekias. Zechariah.]

2 Chronicles 15:16


Maacah <04601> [Maachah.]

grandmother <0517> [the mother. that is, grandmother.]

removed <05493> [he removed.]

loathsome ........ Asherah pole <04656> [idol. Heb. horror. cut down.]

2 Chronicles 16:4-6


accepted <08085> [hearkened.]

army <02428> [his armies. Heb. armies which were his. Ijon.]

Dan <01835> [Dan.]

Abel Maim <066> [Abel-maim.]

Abel-maim is called Abel-beth-maachah in 1 Ki 15:20, and elsewhere, on account of its belonging to the district of Beth-maachah.

cities ............. storage cities <05892 04543> [the store cities.]


stopped <02308> [that he left off.]



carry <05375> [they carried.]

Geba <01387> [Geba.]


Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah.]


2 Chronicles 16:1


thirty-sixth <08337> [A.M. 3074. B.C. 930. In the six.]

See Note on 1 Ki 15:32. "From the rending of the ten tribes from Judah, over which Asa was now king."

<01115> [to the intent.]

2 Chronicles 16:1


thirty-sixth <08337> [A.M. 3074. B.C. 930. In the six.]

See Note on 1 Ki 15:32. "From the rending of the ten tribes from Judah, over which Asa was now king."

<01115> [to the intent.]

2 Chronicles 23:5


royal palace ..................... temple <01004 04428> [the king's house.]

Gate <08179> [the gate.]

2 Chronicles 23:1


seventh year <08141 07637> [seventh year.]

pact <01285> [covenant with him.]

2 Chronicles 25:1-7


twenty-five ............. twenty-nine <02568 06242> [twenty and five.]


wholehearted <08003> [but not.]


kingdom <04467> [A.M. 3166. B.C. 838. Now it came.]

secured ....... executed <02388 02026> [established to him. Heb. confirmed upon him. he slew.]

No doubt those wicked men, Jozachar and Jehozabad, who murdered his father, had considerable influence; and therefore he found it dangerous to bring them to justice, till he was assured of the loyalty of his other officers: when this was clear, he called them to an account, and justly put them to death for treason and murder; for, if even these conspirators against Joash intended to avenge upon him the death of Zechariah, they acted without a commission from that God "to whom vengeance belongeth."


recorded <03789> [as it is written.]


commanders ...... thousand .... commanders ........................ 300,000 <0505 08269> [A.M. 3177. B.C. 827. captains over thousands.]

twenty <06242> [from twenty.]

300,000 <07969> [three.]


100,000 ...... hundred talents ... silver <03603 03701 03967> [an hundred talents of silver.]

Estimating the shekel at 2s. 6d., and the talent, being 3,000 shekels, (see Ex 38:25, 26,) at 375Å“., one hundred talents would amount to 37,500Å“.; which, divided among 100,000 men, quotes only 7s. 6d.; hence we may suppose, that this was only an earnest of their pay, or that they expected to be enriched by the plunder of the Edomites.


prophet <0376 0430> [a man of God.]

<03068> [for the Lord.]

Ezra 3:10-11


builders <01129> [when the builders.]

<05975> [they set.]

clarions <02689> [trumpets.]

sons ... Asaph <01121 0623> [the sons of Asaph.]

by <03027> [after the ordinance.]


sang <06030> [they sang.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

shout <07321> [shouted.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

TIP #15: Use the Strong Number links to learn about the original Hebrew and Greek text. [ALL]
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