2 Chronicles 3:4
porch <0197> [the porch.]
30 feet .............. 30 feet <06242 03967> [an hundred and twenty.]
As the height of the temple was only thirty cubits, 120 seems too great a height for the porch; but the Syriac, Arabic, and the LXX. in the codex Alexandrinus, have only twenty, probably reading, instead of {maiah weesrim,} "one hundred and twenty," {ammoth esrim,} "twenty cubits;" which brings it within the proportion of the other measures.
2 Chronicles 3:15-17
two pillars <08147 05982> [two pillars.]
52½ feet <07970> [thirty.]
The Syriac and Arabic have, agreeably to the parallel passage, "eighteen cubits high;" but the Septuagint, Chaldee, and Vulgate have "thirty and five cubits high." See the Note on 1 Ki 7:15.
length <0753> [high. Heb. long.]
ornamental chains ...................... chains <08333> [chains.]
one hundred <03967> [an hundred.]
set up <06965> [reared up.]
Jachin <03199> [Jachin. that is, He shall establish. Boaz. that is, In it is strength.]