Kidung Jemaat
Hebrews 6:13-19
Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
1. Maha kasih yang ilahi, nikmat sorga, turunlah
Mendiami hati kami; Kau mahkota kurnia.
Yesus, Kau berlimpah rahmat, Sumber kasih yang besar!
Datanglah membawa s'lamat bagi kami yang gentar.1 Kor 13:13
Play T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat [KJ.38]
1. T'lah kutemukan dasar kuat, tempat berpaut jangkarku.
Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat PutraMu dasar yang teguh:
Biarpun dunia lenyap, pegangan hidupku tetap!
Ibr 6:19
1 Kor 3:11
Ibr 1:11
2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, yang melampaui akalku:
Tuhan, Kaurangkul dalam kasih pedosa yang menjauhiMu!
HatiMu iba tergerak mencari aku yang sesat.
Ef 3:18-19
Luk 15:3-7
Luk 15:11-20
Luk 19:10
3. Tak Kaubiarkan ciptaanMu terkapar dalam dosanya;
telah Kauutus PuteraMu menyelamatkan dunia
da pintu hati Kauketuk, agar terbuka bagiMu.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 17:3
Why 3:20
4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus dosaku sudah terbenam :
'ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus batal hukuman yang seram.
Luka hatiku t'lah sembuh, ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmatMu!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12-14
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
5. Inilah dasar andalanku, biarpun apa kutempuh:
ya Tuhan, rahmatMu berlaku sepanjang jalan hidupku!
Sampai kekal kupujilah samud'ra rahmat yang baka!Play
Matthew 22:32
[Mat 22:32] God Of The Living, In Whose Eyes
God of the living, in Whose eyes
Unveiled Thy whole creation lies,
All souls are Thine, we must not say
That those are dead who pass away;
From this our world of flesh set free,
We know them living unto Thee.Released from earthly toil and strife,
With Thee is hidden still their life;
Thine are their thoughts, their works, their powers,
All Thine, and yet most truly ours;
For well we know, where’er they be,
Our dead are living unto Thee.Not spilt like water on the ground,
Not wrapped in dreamless sleep profound,
Not wandering in unknown despair,
Beyond Thy voice, Thine Arm, Thy care;
Not left to lie like fallen tree—
Not dead, but living, unto Thee.Thy Word is true, Thy will is just;
To Thee we leave them, Lord, in trust;
And bless Thee for the love which gave
Thy Son to fill a human grave;
That none might fear that world to see
Where all are living unto Thee.O Breather into man of breath,
O Holder of the keys of death,
O Giver of the life within,
Save us from death, the death of sin,
That body, soul, and spirit be
Forever living unto Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:32] Will The Circle Be Unbroken?
There are loved ones in the glory,
Whose dear forms you often miss;
When you close your earthly story,
Will you join them in their bliss?Refrain
Will the circle be unbroken
By and by, by and by?
In a better home awaiting
In the sky, in the sky?In the joyous days of childhood,
Oft they told of wondrous love,
Pointed to the dying Savior
Now they dwell with Him above.Refrain
You remember songs of heaven
Which you sang with childish voice,
Do you love the hymns they taught you,
Or are songs of earth your choice?Refrain
You can picture happy gatherings
Round the fireside long ago,
And you think of tearful partings,
When they left you here below:Refrain
One by one their seats were emptied,
One by one they went away;
Here the circle has been broken—
Will it be complete one day?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 6:13-19
[Heb 6:18] Hope Set Before You, The
Lay hold on the hope set before you,
And let not a moment be lost,
The Savior has purchased your ransom,
But think what a price it hath cost!Refrain
Lay hold on eternal salvation,
Lay hold on the gift of God’s only Son;
Lay hold on His infinite mercy,
Lay hold on the Mighty One!Lay hold on the hope set before you,
Of life that you now may receive,
If, gladly His mercy accepting,
You truly repent and believe.Refrain
Lay hold on the hope set before you,
Of joy that no mortal can speak;
It telleth of rest for the weary,
Through Jesus, the lowly and meek.Refrain
Lay hold on the hope set before you,
A hope that is steadfast and sure;
O haste to the blessèd Redeemer,
The loving, the perfect and pure.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] I Now Have Found For Hope Of Heaven
I now have found for hope of Heaven,
An anchor-ground that firm will hold;
’Twas through the cross of Jesus given,
By God appointed from of old;
A ground that shall enduring stay,
When earth and skies have passed away,
When earth and skies have passed away.’Tis God’s own mercy never ending;
Its measure all our thoughts exceeds;
While Jesus, too, His arms extending,
Whose heart for guilty sinners bleeds,
Now with compassion calls His foes
To flee from sin and endless woes,
To flee from sin and endless woes.This love’s a deep, our follies hiding;
The death of Christ, a matchless grace,
To life and peace our spirits guiding,
Where wrath no more shall find a place;
His blood for us is pleading still,
“Let mercy all its work fulfill,
Let mercy all its work fulfill!”Upon this ground I rest most firmly,
Long as the earth my dwelling prove;
And wish to serve my God and Savior,
Till, dying, I shall rise above,
And there, rejoicing, shall adore
Unbounded mercy evermore,
Unbounded mercy evermore.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] I’ve Anchored In Jesus
Upon life’s boundless ocean where mighty billows roll,
I’ve fixed my hope in Jesus, blest anchor of my soul;
When trials fierce assail me as storms are gathering o’er,
I rest upon His mercy and trust Him more.Refrain
I’ve anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I’ll brave,
I’ve anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave.
I’ve anchored in Jesus, for He hath power to save,
I’ve anchored to the Rock of Ages.He keeps my soul from evil and gives me blessèd peace,
His voice hath stilled the waters and bid their tumult cease;
My Pilot and Deliverer, to Him I all confide,
For always when I need Him, He’s at my side.Refrain
He is my Friend and Savior, in Him my anchor’s cast,
He drives away my sorrows and shields me from the blast;
By faith I’m looking upward beyond life’s troubled sea,
There I behold a haven prepared for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] My Anchor Holds
Though the angry surges roll
On my tempest driven soul,
I am peaceful, for I know,
Wildly though the winds may blow,
I’ve an anchor safe and sure,
That can evermore endure.Refrain
And it holds, my anchor holds:
Blow your wildest, then, O gale,
On my bark so small and frail;
By His grace I shall not fail,
For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.Mighty tides about me sweep,
Perils lurk within the deep,
Angry clouds o’ershade the sky,
And the tempest rises high;
Still I stand the tempest’s shock,
For my anchor grips the rock.Refrain
I can feel the anchor fast
As I meet each sudden blast,
And the cable, though unseen,
Bears the heavy strain between;
Through the storm I safely ride,
Till the turning of the tide.Refrain
Troubles almost ’whelm the soul;
Griefs like billows o’er me roll;
Tempters seek to lure astray;
Storms obscure the light of day:
But in Christ I can be bold,
I’ve an anchor that shall hold.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] Now I Have Found The Firm Foundation
Now I have found the firm foundation
Which holds mine anchor ever sure;
’Twas laid before the world’s creation
In Christ my Savior’s wounds secure;
Foundation which unmoved shall stay
When Heav’n and earth will pass away.It is that mercy never ending
Which human wisdom far transcends,
Of Him Who, loving arms extending,
To wretched sinners condescends;
Whose heart with pity still doth break
Whether we seek Him or forsake.Our ruin God hath not intended,
For our salvation He hath yearned;
For this His Son to earth descended
And then to Heav’n again returned;
For this so patient evermore
He knocketh at our heart’s closed door.O depth of love, to me revealing
The sea where my sins disappear!
In Christ my wounds find perfect healing,
There is no condemnation here;
For Jesus’ blood through earth and skies
Forever “Mercy! Mercy!” cries.I never will forget this crying;
In faith I’ll trust it all my days,
And when o’er all my sins I’m sighing,
Into the Father’s heart I’ll gaze;
For there is always to be found
Free mercy without end and bound.Though I be robbed of every pleasure
That makes my soul and body glad
And be deprived of earthly treasure
And be forsaken, lone, and sad,
Though my desire for help seem vain,
His mercy shall with me remain.Though earthly trials should oppress me
And cares from day to day increase;
Though earth’s vain things should sore distress me
And rob me of my Savior’s peace;
Though I be brought down to the dust,
Still in His mercy I will trust.When all my deeds I am reviewing,
The deeds that I admire the most,
I find in all my thought and doing
That there is naught whereof to boast.
Yet this sweet comfort shall abide—
In mercy I can still confide.Let mercy cause me to be willing
To bear my lot and not to fret.
While He my restless heart is stilling,
May I His mercy not forget!
Come weal, come woe, my heart to test,
His mercy is my only rest.I’ll stand upon this firm foundation
As long as I on earth remain;
This shall engage my meditation
While I the breath of life retain;
And then, when face to face with Thee,
I’ll sing of mercy, great and free.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] Now I Have Found The Ground Wherein
Now I have found the ground wherein
Sure my soul’s anchor may remain,
The wounds of Jesus, for my sin
Before the world’s foundation slain;
Whose mercy shall unshaken stay,
When Heaven and earth are fled away.Father, Thine everlasting grace
Our scanty thought surpasses far;
Thy heart still melts with tenderness,
Thy arms of love still open are,
Returning sinners to receive,
That mercy they may taste and live.O Love, Thou bottomless abyss,
My sins are swallowed up in Thee!
Covered is my unrighteousness,
Nor spot of guilt remains on me,
While Jesus’ blood, through earth and skies,
Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries.By faith I plunge me in this sea,
Here is my hope, my joy, my rest;
Hither, when hell assails, I flee,
I look into my Savior’s breast;
Away, sad doubt, and anxious fear!
Mercy is all that’s written there.Though waves and storms go o’er my head,
Though strength, and health, and friends be gone,
Though joys be withered all and dead,
Though every comfort be withdrawn,
On this my steadfast soul relies,
Father, Thy mercy never dies.Fixed on this ground will I remain,
Though my heart fail, and flesh decay;
This anchor shall my soul sustain,
When earth’s foundations melt away;
Mercy’s full power I then shall prove,
Loved with an everlasting love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] We Have An Anchor
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?Refrain
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables, passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy that blast, thro’ strength divine.Refrain
It will surely hold in the Straits of Fear—
When the breakers have told that the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.Refrain
It will firmly hold in the Floods of Death—-
When the waters cold chill our latest breath,
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the Veil.Refrain
When our eyes behold through the gath’ring night
The city of gold, our harbor bright,
We shall anchor fast by the heav’nly shore,
With the storms all past forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 6:19] Whispering Hope
Soft as the voice of an angel,
Breathing a lesson unheard,
Hope with a gentle persuasion
Whispers her comforting word:
Wait till the darkness is over,
Wait till the tempest is done,
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
After the shower is gone.Refrain
Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.If, in the dusk of the twilight,
Dim be the region afar,
Will not the deepening darkness
Brighten the glimmering star?
Then when the night is upon us,
Why should the heart sink away?
When the dark midnight is over,
Watch for the breaking of day.Refrain
Hope, as an anchor so steadfast,
Rends the dark veil for the soul,
Whither the Master has entered,
Robbing the grave of its goal.
Come then, O come, glad fruition,
Come to my sad weary heart;
Come, O Thou blest hope of glory,
Never, O never depart.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 11:13-16
[Heb 11:13] Along The Path Of Life
“Pilgrim, whither journey you
Along the path of life?
What’s the goal you have in view
Along the path of life?”
“Far beyond our vision, friend,
Is my journey’s blessèd end;
Heavenward my footsteps wend
Along the path of life.”“Pilgrim, why not halt and rest
Along the path of life?
Quickly on your way you’ve pressed
Along the path of life.”
“Nay, but through His precious grace
Soon I’ll end this earthly race;
I have no abiding place
Along the path of life.”“Pilgrim, why look you so glad
Along the path of life?”
“Nearing home, should I be sad
Along the path of life?
Where yon crystal towers shine
I shall see my King divine,
And eternal bliss be mine
Beyond this path of life.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Come, Heaven-bound Pilgrims
Come, Heaven-bound pilgrims, and join in God’s praise,
Come seek now His blessing and learn of His ways,
In humble devotion bow low at His feet,
In true spirit worship, His favor entreat.Let each one consider the price we have cost,
Let each one be burdened with souls that are lost,
And seek that infilling of pow’r from above,
That fits us for service and fills us with love.Remember each other in true, fervent prayer,
Pray too for God’s servants that they may declare
The message of truth with an anxious desire,
That all be enkindled with heavenly fire.O gracious Redeemer, be with us we pray,
Breathe on us Thy Spirit to show us the way,
And fill us with goodness, with peace and delight,
That all to Thy glory may shine as a light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Far Off I See The Goal
Far off I see the goal—O Savior, guide me;
I feel my strength is small—be Thou beside me;
With vision ever clear, with love that conquers fear,
And grace to persevere, O Lord, provide me.Whene’er Thy way seems strange, go Thou before me;
And, lest my heart should change, O Lord, watch o’er me;
But, should my faith prove frail, and I through blindness fail,
O let Thy grace prevail, and still restore me.Should earthly pleasures wane, and joy forsake me;
And lonely hours of pain at length o’ertake me,
My hand in Thine hold fast till sorrow be o’erpast,
And gentle death at last for Heav’n awake me.There, with the ransomed throng who praise forever
The love that made them strong to serve forever,
I, too, would seek Thy face, Thy finished work retrace,
And magnify Thy grace, redeemed forever.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Happy Little Pilgrims
Happy little pilgrims,
We should ne’er be sad;
For the love of Jesus
Makes His children glad.Refrain
Happy little pilgrims,
Going on our way,
To a land of beauty,
Singing all the day.In that land so lovely,
Everything is bright,
There will be no sorrow,
There will be no night.Refrain
Not alone we journey
To the mansions fair;
Jesus is our Shepherd;
He will lead us there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] I’m A Pilgrim (maxwell)
I’m a pilgrim and a stranger,
Rough and thorny is the road,
Often in the midst of danger,
But it leads to God.
Clouds of darkness oft distress me;
Great and many are my foes;
Anxious cares and thoughts oppress me;
But my Father knows.Oh, how sweet is this assurance,
’Midst the conflict and the strife,
Although sorrows past endurance
Follow me through life.
Home in prospect can still cheer me:
Yes, and give me sweet repose,
While I feel His presence near me,
For my Father knows.Yes, He sees and knows me daily,
Watches over me in love;
Sends me help when foes assail me,
Bids me look above.
Soon my journey shall be ended,
Life is drawing to a close;
I shall then be well attended—
This my Father knows.I shall then with joy behold Him;
Face to face my Savior see;
Fall with rapture, and adore Him
For His love to me.
Nothing more shall then distress me—
In the land of sweet repose:
Jesus stands engaged to bless me—
This my Father knows.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] I’m A Pilgrim (shindler)
I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger,
I can tarry, I can tarry but a night;
Do not detain me, for I am going
To where the fountains are ever flowing.Refrain
I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger;
I can tarry, I can tarry but a night.There the glory is ever shining;
Oh, my longing heart, my longing heart is there;
Here in this country so dark and dreary,
I long have wandered forlorn and weary.Refrain
There’s the city to which I journey;
My Redeemer, my Redeemer is its Light;
There is no sorrow nor any sighing,
Nor any tears there, nor any dying.Refrain
Farewell, neighbors, with tears I’ve warned you,
I must leave you, I must leave you and be gone!
With this your portion, your heart’s desire,
Why will you perish in raging fire?Refrain
Father, mother, and sister, brother!
If you will not journey with me, I must go!
Now since your vain hopes you will thus cherish,
Should I, too, linger, and with you perish?Refrain
Farewell, drear earth, by sin so blighted,
In immortal beauty soon you’ll be arrayed;
He who has formed thee will soon restore thee,
And then the dread curse shall nevermore be.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] In Our Day Of Thanksgiving
In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let us offer
For the saints who before us have found their reward;
When the shadow of death fell upon them, we sorrowed,
But now we rejoice that they rest in the Lord.In the morning of life, and at noon, and at even,
He called them away from our worship below;
But not till His love, at the font and the altar,
Had girt them with grace for the way they should go.These stones that have echoed their praises are holy,
And dear is the ground where their feet have once trod;
Yet here they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims,
And still they were seeking the city of God.Sing praise, then, for all who here sought and here found Him,
Whose journey is ended, whose perils are past;
They believed in the Light; and its glory is round them,
Where the clouds of earth’s sorrows are lifted at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Now Rest, Ye Pilgrim Host
Now rest, ye pilgrim host, look back upon your way,
The mountains climbed, the torrents crossed,
Through many a weary day.
From this victorious height, how fair the past appears,
God’s grace and glory shining bright
On all the bygone years.How many, at His call, have parted from our throng!
They watch us from the crystal wall,
And echo back our song.
They rest, beyond complaints,
Beyond all sighs and tears:
Praise be to God for all His saints
Who wrought in bygone years.The banners they upbore our hands still lift on high;
The Lord they followed evermore
To us is also nigh.
Arise, arise and tread the future without fears;
He leadeth still, whose hand hath led
Through all the bygone years.When we have reached the home we seek with weary feet,
Our children’s children still shall come
To keep those ranks complete;
And He, whose host is one throughout the countless spheres,
Will guide His marching servants on
Through everlasting years.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Rise, O My Soul, Pursue The Path
Rise, O my soul, pursue the path
By ancient worthies trod;
Aspiring, view those holy men
Who lived and walked with God.Though dead, they speak in reason’s ear,
And in example live;
Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds
Still fresh instruction give.’Twas through the Lamb’s most precious blood
They conquered every foe;
And to His power and matchless grace
Their crowns of life they owe.Lord, May I ever keep in view
The patterns Thou hast given
And ne’er forsake the blessèd road
That led them safe to Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] O How Blest To Be A Pilgrim
O how blest to be a pilgrim,
Guided by the Father’s hand;
Free at last from ev’ry burden
We shall enter Canaan’s land.Refrain
Songs of vict’ry there shall greet us,
Like the thund’ring of a mighty flood,
Endless praises be to Jesus,
Who redeemed us by his blood!On this side of Jordan’s river,
Sighs too deep for words are known,
But we look for bright tomorrows
In Jerusalem our home.Refrain
There no clouds of darkness gather,
Neither sorrow, tears, nor woe,
Nothing harmful e’er shall enter,
Sin and pain we will not know.Refrain
Here from loved ones we are parted,
Earthly sorrows never cease,
But within that glorious city
We shall meet again in peace.Refrain
O may none give up the journey,
Left in darkness on the shore,
May we all at last be gathered
When our pilgrimage is o’er.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] Traveling Home
Thro’ a land of sin and shame,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;
Trusting in the Savior’s Name,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home.Refrain
Trav’ling home, trav’ling home,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;
Trav’ling home, trav’ling home,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;To a land of peace and rest,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;
Where no soul can be distressed,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home.Refrain
Joy unceasing we shall share,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;
With the loved ones waiting there,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home.Refrain
Sorrows will forgotten be,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home;
Over for eternity,
Led by Jesus we are trav’ling home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:13] We Are Pilgrims Of A Day
We are pilgrims of a day,
Homeward bound, homeward bound;
Singing on our cheerful way,
We are homeward bound.Refrain
Onward, upward still, O ye hopeful pilgrims;
Forward, fear no ill, yonder is our home;
We journey, hand in hand,
To Canaan’s happy land;
O come, ye friends and neighbors,
And join the pilgrim band.We are happy in the Lord,
Trav’ling on, trav’ling on;
Trusting in His holy Word,
We are trav’ling on.Refrain
Sin and sorrow here below,
Soon will end, soon will end;
In the land to which we go,
Toil and care will end.Refrain
Working all the way along,
Rest will come, rest will come;
Lighten work with pray’r and song,
Blessèd rest will come.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:16] My Own Dear Land
My own dear land, where’er my footsteps wander,
Ever to thee my heart still turns again;
To thee my love grows ever fonder, fonder,
Till in its might it is akin to pain.
Ever to thee I’m bound in love and duty;
No dearer land to me in all the earth;
By all sweet ties of home and love and beauty,
To thee I cleave, dear land that gave me birth.Yet I look on, beyond earth’s habitation,
To where a home of rarer vision gleams,
Fairer than earth’s most wonderful creation
Bathed in the light of Heav’n’s own morning beams.
There we shall meet, from every clime and nation,
There we shall meet in answer to the call,
There we shall meet in joyous consecration,
Sons of one Father, brothers one and all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 11:16] My Soul, There Is A Country
My soul, there is a country,
Afar beyond the stars,
Where stands a wingèd sentry,
All skillful in the wars.There, above noise and danger,
Sweet Peace sits crowned with smiles,
And One born in a manger
Commands the beauteous files.He is thy gracious Friend
And (O my soul, awake!)
Did in pure love descend,
To die here for thy sake.If thou canst get but thither,
There grows the flower of peace,
The rose that cannot wither,
Thy fortress, and thy ease.Leave, then, thy foolish ranges;
For none can thee secure
But One, who never changes,
Thy God, thy Life, thy Cure.Play source: Cyberhymnal