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2 Kings 11:1-17


Athaliah <06271> [A.M. 3120. B.C.884. Athaliah.]

mother <0517> [the mother.]

destroy <06> [and destroyed.]

A similar history is related by Mr. Bruce, as having occurred in Abyssinia. Judith "surprised the rock Damo, and slew the whole of the princes, to the number, it is said, of about 400;" while the infant king, Del Naad, was conveyed for safety to a loyal province, and afterwards restored.

royal line <04467 02233> [seed royal. Heb. seed of the kingdom.]

25:25 *marg: Jer 41:1 [All]


Jehosheba <03089> [Jehosheba.]

[Jehoshabeath. Joram.]

[Jehoram. Joash.]

[Jehoash. they hid him.]

room <02315> [in the bed-chamber.]

{Bachadar hammittoth,} "in a chamber of beds;" which Sir J. Chardin thinks does not mean a room to sleep in, but a chamber used as a repository for beds; for, in the East, they sleep upon cotton mattresses, "of which they have several in great houses, against they should have occasion, and a room on purpose for them."


Athaliah <06271> [A.M. 3120-3126. B.C. 884-878. And Athaliah.]


seventh <07637> [A.M. 3126. B.C. 878. the seventh.]

officers <08269> [rulers.]

Carians <03746> [the captains.]

made ... agreement <01285 03772> [made a covenant.]

swear <07650> [took an oath.]


on duty <0935> [that enter.]

guard <04931> [the watch.]


Foundation Gate ............ gate <05495 08179> [the gate of Sur.]

<04535> [that it be not broken down. or, from breaking up.]


units <03027> [parts. or, companies. Heb. hands. go forth.]


approaches .............. goes <0935> [he that cometh.]


officers <08269> [the captains.]


King David's spears <04428 01732 02595> [king David's spears.]

Josephus states that, for fear of creating suspicion, they came unarmed, "and Jehoiada having opened the arsenal in the temple which David had prepared, he divided among the centurions, priests, and Levites, the spears (arrows), and quivers, and all other kinds of weapons which he found there."


<0376> [every man.]

side ........ side <03802> [corner. Heb. shoulder. by the altar.]


out <03318> [he brought.]

placed ..... crown <05145 05414> [put the crown.]

insignia <05715> [the testimony.]

poured ........ clapped <04886 05221> [anointed him.]

clapped <05221> [and they clapped.]

{Wyyakkoo kaph,} "they clapped the hand," which Mr. Harmer thinks was similar to the mode in which Oriental females express their respect for persons of high rank, by gently applying one of their hands to their mouth. So Pitts relates, that in some of the towns of Barbary, the leaders of the sacred caravan being received with loud acclamations, "the very women get upon the tops of the houses to view the parade, or fine show, where they keep striking their four fingers on their lips, as fast as they can, making a joyful noise all the while."

cried out <0559> [and said.]

king's ................................ live ... king <02421 04428> [God save the king. Heb. Let the king live.]



standing <05975> [stood.]

The Orientals considered a seat by a pillar or column as particularly honourable.

pillar <05982> [a pillar.]

officers <08269> [the princes.]

[See on]

people <05971> [all the people.]

Treason treason <07195> [Treason.]


officers <08269> [captains.]

outside <03318> [Have.]

Bring <0935> [followeth.]


Put ...................... executed <04191> [Let.]


horses <05483> [by the which.]

executed <04191> [there was she slain.]


drew up ... covenant <03772 01285> [made a covenant.]

king <04428> [between the king.]

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