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2 Kings 4:29


Tuck ...... belt <02296 04975> [Gird up thy loins.]

take ... staff ............. staff <03947 04938> [take my.]

Tuck .................. anyone <01288 0376> [salute him not.]

staff ........... Place ... staff <04938 07760> [lay my staff.]

2 Kings 9:1


member <0259> [one.]

The Jews say that this was Jonah, the prophet, the son of Amittai.

member <01121> [the children.]

[See on]

Tuck ...... belt <04975 02296> [Gird up thy loins.]

As the upper garments of the Orientals were long and flowing, it was indispensably necessary to tuck up the skirts with a girdle about their loins, in order to use any expedition in their work or on a journey.

container ... olive oil <08081 06378> [box of oil.]

Ramoth <07433> [Ramoth-gilead.]

Job 38:3


Get ready <0247> [Gird.]

question <07592> [for.]

inform <03045> [answer thou me. Heb. make me know.]

Jeremiah 1:17


get ... ready <0247> [gird up.]

tell <01696> [and speak.]

terrified ............. terrified <02865> [be not.]

terrified ............. terrified <02865 06440> [confound thee. or, break thee to pieces.]

Ephesians 6:14


by fastening the belt ....... by putting on <4024 1746> [having.]

breastplate <2382> [the breastplate.]

The [thorax <\\See definition 2382\\>,] or breastplate, consisted of two parts; one of which covered the whole region of the thorax or breast, and the other the back, as far down as the front part extended.

Ephesians 6:1


obey <5219> [obey.]

in <1722> [in.]

for <1063> [for.]

Ephesians 1:13


And ... you <5210 2532> [ye also.]

when ... heard <191> [after that ye heard.]

word <3056> [the word.]

gospel <2098> [the gospel.]

you were marked with the seal <4972> [ye were.]

Holy <40> [holy.]

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