NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 Samuel 13:1


Absalom <053> [A.M. 2972. B.C. 1032. A. Ex. Is. 459. Absalom.]

beautiful sister <0269 03303> [a fair sister.]

Tamar <08559> [Tamar.]

love <0157> [loved her.]

2 Samuel 13:20-28


Amnon <0550> [Amnon. Heb. Aminon. but hold.]

seriously <07896 01697> [regard not. Heb. set not thine heart on. desolate. Heb. and desolate.]


very angry <03966 02734> [he was very wroth.]

The Septuagint and Vulgate add, [Kai ouk elupese to pneuma Amnon tou huiou autou, hoti egapa auton, hoti prototokos autou en;] et noluit contristare spiritum Amnon filii sui, quoniam diligebat eum, quia primogenitus erat ei: "But he would not grieve the soul of Amnon his son, for he loved him because he was his first-born." The same addition is found in Josephus; and it is probable that it once formed a part of the Hebrew text.


said <01696> [spake.]

good <02896> [neither good.]

hated <08130> [hated.]


sheepshearers <01494> [A.M. 2974. B.C. 1030. An. Ex. Is 461. sheep-shearers.]

invited <07121> [invited.]


king ............ king <03212 04428> [let the king.]


pressed <06555> [pressed.]

blessed <01288> [blessed.]

14:22 *marg: Ru 2:4 [All]


brother <0251> [let my brother.]

He urged this with the more plausibility because Amnon was the first-born, and presumptive heir to the crown; and he had dissembled his resentment so long and so well that he was not suspected.


Absalom <053> [Absalom.]


instructed ................................. instructions <06680> [commanded.]

<03820 02896> [heart is merry.]

instructed ....................... fear ........... instructions <03372 06680> [fear not.]

instructed ................................. instructions <06680> [have not I. or, Will you not, since I have, etc.]

<01121> [valiant. Heb. sons of valour.]

2 Samuel 13:38


[A.M. 2974-2977. B.C. 1030-1027. An. Ex. Is. 461-464.]

Geshur. This was not the Geshur lying between Philistia and Egypt, (Jos 13:13. 1 Sa 27:8,) but another in Syria; probably the same as that beyond Jordan, whose inhabitants are joined with those of Maachathi, De 3:14. Jos 12:5.

2 Samuel 18:14


<06440> [with thee. Heb. before thee. thrust them.]

oak tree <0424> [midst. Heb. heart.]

2 Samuel 18:18


set up <05324> [reared up.]

King's <04428> [the king's.]

son <01121> [I have no son.]

He ............. known <07121> [he called.]

Absalom ......................................... Absalom's Memorial <053 03027> [Absalom's place.]

Josephus says there was in his time, about two furlongs from Jerusalem, a marble pillar called Absalom's hand, as it is in the Hebrew, (See note on 1 Sa 15:12;) and there is one shown to the present day, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which, though comparatively a modern structure, probably occupies the site of the original one set up by Absalom.

2 Samuel 18:33


son .... son ... son .............. son ... son <01121> [O my son.]

died <04191> [would God.]

2 Samuel 19:4-10


covered <03813> [covered.]

son ..... son ... son <01121> [O my son.]

It is allowed by competent critics that the lamentation of David over his son, of which this forms a part, is exceedingly pathetic; and Calmet properly remarks, that the frequent repetition of the name of the deceased is common in the language of lamentation.


embarrassed <03001> [Thou hast.]

Every one must admit that David's immoderate grief for his rebellious son was imprudent, and that Joab's firm and sensible reproof was necessary to arouse him to a sense of his duty to his people: but, in his manner, Joab far exceeded the bounds of that reverence which a servant owes to his master, or a subject to his prince.

saved <04422> [saved.]


love ....... friends <0157> [In that, etc. Heb. By loving, etc. thou regardest, etc.]

Heb. princes or servants are not to thee. then it had.


encouragement .... servants <03820 05650> [comfortably unto thy. Heb. to the heart of thy.]

stay <03885> [there.]

disaster ......... disaster <07451> [all the evil.]


sat ..... gate ............ sitting ..... gate <08179 03427> [sat in the gate.]

How prudently and mildly David took the reproof and counsel given him! He shook off his grief, anointed his head, and washed his face, that he might not appear unto men to mourn, and then made his appearance at the gate of the city, which was the public place of resort for the hearing of causes and giving judgment, as well as a place to ratify special bargains. Thither the people flocked to congratulate him on his and their safety, and that all was well. When we are convinced of a fault, we must amend, though we are told of it by our inferiors in a way which is peculiarly painful to our natural feelings. This ancient custom still obtains in the East; for when Dr. Pococke returned from viewing the town of ancient Byblus, he says, "The sheik and the elders were sitting in the gate of the city, after the ancient manner, and I sat awhile with them."

Israelite soldiers <03478> [for Israel.]


arguing <01777> [strife.]

king <04428> [The king.]

fled <01272> [he is fled.]


anointed <04886> [whom.]

died <04191> [is dead.]

hesitate ... bring <02790 07725> [speak ye not a word. Heb. are ye silent?]

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