Genesis 3:1-24
The Temptation and the Fall (Genesis 3:1-7)
Words of Judgment (Genesis 3:8-19)
Clothing the Fallen (Genesis 3:21)
The Expulsion from Eden (Genesis 3:23)
Fall of man, The: Eve takes the fruit from the serpent in the presence of Adam
Fall of man, The
Eve and the apple
Adam and Eve

(270 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Genesis 3
Two main themes belong to this subject: God's reprimand of Adam and Eve, and scenes showing the consequences of the fall (especially man toiling with the soil)
Curse on humanity, The
Fall of man, The
God judging Adam
God judging Adam *

(66 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Genesis 3
Angel of divine presence clothing Adam and Eve with coats of skin, The
Creation of Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve are clothed by God and expelled from paradise by an angel
God giving clothes to Adam and Eve

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Genesis 3
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise by an angel with a sword
Adam and Eve expelled
Annunciation, The

Genesis 4:11-12
Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-15; 1 John 3:12)
Sacrifices of Cain and Abel, The. Cain slays Abel with a jaw-bone.
Adam and Eve
Cain rises up against his brother Abel and kills him
First mourning, Adam and Eve carrying Abel

Genesis 6:1
The Angel Marriages, the Rebel Angels (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6)
At least two traditions dealing with fallen/rebel angels can be traced in the Bible. The one that is related to the angel marriages (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6), represents a main theme in the pseudepigraphical book of 1 Enoch. The other tradition (Revelation 12:7ff.; Isaiah 14:12-15 (?)) has Satan as its main character. It may be difficult to decide which of the traditions the artwork representing the fallen angels is referring to. When I have no way of desciding, I connect the artwork to the present heading. Keep in mind that in some cases both details and composition of the pictures of the fallen angels may be explained by the extra-biblical material.
Descent of the angels to one of the daughters of men, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The
Fall of the rebel angels

(34 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Fall of the King of Babylon ;
The Woman and the Dragon
Related Names:
Angel ;
Angels ;
Related Chapter:
Genesis 6 ;
2 Peter 2 ;
Jude 1
Genesis 6:1
The Angel Marriages, the Rebel Angels (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6)
At least two traditions dealing with fallen/rebel angels can be traced in the Bible. The one that is related to the angel marriages (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6), represents a main theme in the pseudepigraphical book of 1 Enoch. The other tradition (Revelation 12:7ff.; Isaiah 14:12-15 (?)) has Satan as its main character. It may be difficult to decide which of the traditions the artwork representing the fallen angels is referring to. When I have no way of desciding, I connect the artwork to the present heading. Keep in mind that in some cases both details and composition of the pictures of the fallen angels may be explained by the extra-biblical material.
Descent of the angels to one of the daughters of men, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The
Fall of the rebel angels

(34 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Fall of the King of Babylon ;
The Woman and the Dragon
Related Names:
Angel ;
Angels ;
Related Chapter:
Genesis 6 ;
2 Peter 2 ;
Jude 1
Genesis 6:1
The Angel Marriages, the Rebel Angels (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6)
At least two traditions dealing with fallen/rebel angels can be traced in the Bible. The one that is related to the angel marriages (Genesis 6:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6), represents a main theme in the pseudepigraphical book of 1 Enoch. The other tradition (Revelation 12:7ff.; Isaiah 14:12-15 (?)) has Satan as its main character. It may be difficult to decide which of the traditions the artwork representing the fallen angels is referring to. When I have no way of desciding, I connect the artwork to the present heading. Keep in mind that in some cases both details and composition of the pictures of the fallen angels may be explained by the extra-biblical material.
Descent of the angels to one of the daughters of men, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The *
Rout of the rebel angels, The
Fall of the rebel angels

(34 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Fall of the King of Babylon ;
The Woman and the Dragon
Related Names:
Angel ;
Angels ;
Related Chapter:
Genesis 6 ;
2 Peter 2 ;
Jude 1
Colossians 1:18
There is no Arts related to this verses.Colossians 2:14
Freedom and Life in Christ (Colossians 2:6-23)
Died with Him
Risen with Him
He canceled the unfavourable record *
(3 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Colossians 2