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Kidung Jemaat
Acts 21:17--23:32
Betapa Indah Harinya [KJ.395]
R:Kis 22:16; Tit 3:5-7; Mrk 14:38; Ef 6:18
1. Betapa indah harinya saat kupilih Penebus. Alangkah sukacitanya, 'ku memb'ritakannya terus.
2. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
3. Betapa indah janjiNya yang t'lah mengikat hatiku; kub'ri kasihku padaNya serta menyanyi bersyukur!
4. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
5. Sudah 'ku jadi milikNya, Ia pun milikku kekal. Yakin penuh 'ku ikutlah: suara Tuhan kukenal.
Yes 43:1 Rm 14:8 1 Ptr 2:9
6. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
7. Sentosalah, hai hatiku, Pelindungmu percayalah! Jangan tinggalkan Tuhanmu, Sumber segala kurnia.
8. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
9. Setiap janji hatiku kembali kubaruilah; sampai kepada ajalku kupuji pengasihanNya.
10. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
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Acts 21:17--23:32
[Act 22:20] First Of Martyrs, Thou Whose Name
First of martyrs, thou whose name Doth thy golden crown proclaim, Not of flowers that fade away Weave we this thy crown today. Bright the stones which bruise thee gleam Sprinkled with thy life blood’s stream; Stars around thy sainted head Never could such radiance shed. Every wound upon thy brow Sparkles with unearthly glow; Like an angel’s is thy face Beaming with celestial grace. Oh, how blessèd first to be Slain for Him Who bled for thee; First like Him in dying hour Witness to almighty power. First to follow where He trod Through the deep Red Sea of blood; First, but in thy footsteps press Saints and martyrs numberless. Glory to the Father be, Glory, Virgin Born, to Thee, Glory to the Holy Ghost, Praised by men and heavenly host. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |