Colossians 2:14
has destroyed <1813> [Blotting.]
a certificate of indebtedness <5498> [the handwriting.]
He has taken ... away <142> [took.]
Colossians 1:20
by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]
21,22 Le 6:30 Ps 85:10,11 Isa 9:6,7 Eze 45:17-20 Da 9:24-26
Mic 5:2,5 Zec 9:9,10 Lu 2:14 Ac 10:30 Ro 5:1 2Co 5:19-21
Eph 2:13-17 Heb 13:20,21 1Jo 4:9,10 [All]
to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]
all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]