Daniel 12:1-11
And at that time
shall Michael
the great
for the children
of thy people
a time
of trouble
such as never was since there was a nation
[even] to that same time
and at that time
thy people
in the book
And many
of them that sleep
in the dust
of the earth
some to everlasting
and some to shame
[and] everlasting
as the brightness
of the firmament
and they that turn many
as the stars
for ever
and ever
{wise: or, teachers}<05703>_.
But thou, O Daniel
the words
the book
[even] to the time
of the end
and knowledge
Then I Daniel
the one
on this side
of the bank
of the river
and the other
on that side of the bank
of the river
{bank: Heb. lip} {bank: Heb. lip}<02975>_.
to the man
in linen
which [was] upon
the waters
of the river
How long [shall it be to] the end
of these wonders
{upon...: or, from above}<06382>_?
the man
in linen
which [was] upon
the waters
of the river
his right hand
and his left hand
unto heaven
by him that liveth
for ever
that [it shall be] for a time
and an half
the power
of the holy
{a time...: or, part}<05971>_,