NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Daniel 4:8


Belteshazzar <01096> [Belteshazzar.]

spirit <07308> [and in.]

Daniel 5:12


extraordinary <03493> [an excellent.]

interpret dreams <06590 02493> [interpreting of. or, of an interpreter of, etc. dissolving. or, of a dissolver. doubts. Chal. knots.]

king <04430> [whom.]

Genesis 41:45


Zaphenath-Paneah <06847> [Zaphnath-paaneah.]

Which in Coptic signifies a revealer of secrets, or, the man to whom secrets are revealed. Jerome says this name signified in Egyptian, {Savatorem mundi,} "the Saviour of the world;" and {Psotem-phaneh,} in Coptic, is certainly "salvation of the world," from [SOT,] for [soteria <\\See definition 4991\\>,] salvation, {em,} the sign of the genitive case, and [PHENEH], world. If this interpretation be correct, Pharaoh must have meant Egypt by the world, or which Joseph might be justly termed the Saviour. We know that the Romans called their empire {Universis Orbis-Orbis Terrarum,} "all the world:" the Chinese say the same of their empire at the present day, and the phrase is used in the East: Nadir Shah is described on his coins as "Conqueror of the World," i.e., Persia. See the same phraseology applied to Syria, Palestine, etc.

priest ... On <03548 0204> [priest of. or, prince.]

On <0204> [On.]


Genesis 41:2


coming up <05927> [there came.]

reeds <0260> [a meadow.]

Or, rather, "on, or among the reeds or sedges;" for so {achoo} is generally supposed to denote (see Job 8:11); so called, according to Mr. Parkhurst, from its fitness for making ropes, or the like, to connect or join things together, from {achah,} to join, connect: thus the Latin {juncus,} a bulrush, {a jungendo,} from joining, for the same reason. He supposes it to be that sort of reed growing near the Nile which Hasselquist describes as "having scarce any branches, but numerous leaves, which are narrow, smooth, channelled on the upper surface, and the plant about eleven feet high. The Egyptians make ropes of the leaves."

Genesis 23:1


Sarah <08283> [A.M. 2144. B.C. 1860. Sarah.]

It is worthy of remark, that Sarah is the only woman whose age, death, and burial are distinctly noted in the Sacred writings.

127 <03967> [an.]

Genesis 24:17


sip <01572> [Let.]

water .... jug <04325 03537> [water of.]

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