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Deuteronomy 16:18


judges ....................... judge <08199> [Judges.]

villages <08179> [in all thy gates.]

This expression may refer to the gate of the city, as the forum or place of public concourse among the Israelites, where a court of judicature was held, to try all causes and decide all affairs. The same practice obtained among other Eastern nations. The Ottoman court, it is well known, derived its appellation of the {Porte,} from the distribution of justice and the dispatch of public business at its gates. And the square tower which forms the principal entrance to the Alhamra, or red palace of the Moorish kings of Grenada, retains to this day the appellation of the Gate of judgment, from its having been the place where justice was at one period summarily administered.

Deuteronomy 16:1


month ............... month <02320> [the month.]

Passover <06453> [the passover.]

This word comes from the Hebrew verb {pasach,} to pass, to leap or skip over. The destroying angel passed over the houses marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb, so the wrath of God passes over those whose souls sprinkled with the blood of Christ. 1Co 5:7. As the paschal lamb was killed before Israel was delivered, so by the death of Christ, we have redemption through his blood. It was killed before the tables of the law were delivered to Moses, or Aaron's sacrifices were enjoined; thus deliverance comes to men, not by the works of the law, but by the only true passover, the Lamb of God. Ro 3:25. Heb 9:14. It was killed the first month of the year, which prefigured that Christ should suffer death in that month. Joh 18:28. it was killed in the evening. Ex 12:6. Christ suffered at that time of the day. Mt 27:46. Heb 1:2. At even the sun sets; at Christ's passion, universal darkness was upon the whole earth. The passover was roasted with fire, denoting the sharp and dreadful pains that Christ should suffer, not only from men, but God also. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs, Ex 12:8; not only to put them in remembrance of their bitter bondage in Egypt, but also to testify our mortification to sin, and readiness to undergo afflictions for Christ, Col 1:24; and likewise to teach us the absolute necessity of true repentance in all that would profitably feed by faith on Christ, the true paschal lamb.

month ............... month <02320> [for in.]

Deuteronomy 21:8-14


accountable ....... innocent <05414 05355> [lay not.]

people .................... person <05971> [unto thy people. Heb. in the midst.]


purge <01197> [shalt thou.]

do <06213> [when thou shalt.]


out <03318> [thou goest.]


wish <02836> [desire.]

take <03947> [that.]


shave <01548> [and she shall.]

This was in token of renouncing her religion, and becoming a proselyte to that of the Jews. This is still a custom in the East: when a Christian turns Mohammedan, his head is shaved, and he is carried through the city, crying, {la eelah eela allah wemochammed resoolu 'llahee,} "There is no God but the God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God."

nails <06856 06213> [pare her nails. or, suffer to grow. Heb. make, or dress.]

{W‰ƒsethah eth tzipparneyha,} "and she shall make her nails;" i.e., probably neither paring nor letting them grow, but dressing or beautifying them as the Eastern women still do by tinging them with the leaves of an odoriferous plant called {alhenna,} which Hasselquist (p. 246) informs us, "grows in India and in upper and lower Egypt, flowering from May to August. The leaves are pulverized and made into a paste with water: they bind this paste on the nails of their hands and feet, and keep it on all night. This gives them a deep yellow, which is greatly admired by Eastern nations. The colour lasts for three or four weeks before there is occasion to renew it. The custom is so ancient in Egypt, that I have seen the nails of mummies dyed in this manner."


lamenting <01058> [and bewail.]


let ... go .......... sell ...... take advantage <07971 04376 06014> [thou shalt.]

have ... humiliated <0834 06031> [because thou.]

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