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Deuteronomy 3:24

O Lord
thou hast begun
<02490> (8689)
to shew
<07200> (8687)
thy servant
thy greatness
and thy mighty
for what God
[is there] in heaven
or in earth
that can do
<06213> (8799)
according to thy works
and according to thy might

Deuteronomy 3:1

Then we turned
<06437> (8799)_,
and went up
<05927> (8799)
the way
to Bashan
and Og
the king
of Bashan
came out
<03318> (8799)
<07125> (8800)
us, he and all his people
to battle
at Edrei

Deuteronomy 16:1-2

<08104> (8800)
the month
of Abib
and keep
<06213> (8804)
the passover
unto the LORD
thy God
for in the month
of Abib
the LORD
thy God
brought thee forth
<03318> (8689)
out of Egypt
by night
Thou shalt therefore sacrifice
<02076> (8804)
the passover
unto the LORD
thy God
of the flock
and the herd
in the place
which the LORD
shall choose
<0977> (8799)
to place
<07931> (8763)
his name

Deuteronomy 2:5

<01624> (8691)
not with them; for I will not give
<05414> (8799)
you of their land
no, not so much as a foot
<04096> <03709>_;
because I have given
<05414> (8804)
unto Esau
[for] a possession
{no...: Heb. even to the treading of the sole of the foot}

Psalms 48:1

<A Song <07892>
[and] Psalm
for the sons
of Korah
[is] the LORD
and greatly
to be praised
<01984> (8794)
in the city
of our God
[in] the mountain
of his holiness
{for: or, of}

Psalms 86:10

For thou [art] great
and doest
<06213> (8802)
wondrous things
<06381> (8737)_:
thou [art] God

Psalms 96:4

For the LORD
[is] great
and greatly
to be praised
<01984> (8794)_:
he [is] to be feared
<03372> (8737)
above all gods

Psalms 135:5

For I know
<03045> (8804)
that the LORD
[is] great
and [that] our Lord
[is] above all gods

Psalms 145:3

[is] the LORD
and greatly
to be praised
<01984> (8794)_;
and his greatness
[is] unsearchable
{and his...: Heb. and of his greatness there is no search}

Ezekiel 36:22

Therefore say
<0559> (8798)
unto the house
of Israel
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
I do
<06213> (8802)
not [this] for your sakes, O house
of Israel
but for mine holy
sake, which ye have profaned
<02490> (8765)
among the heathen
whither ye went
<0935> (8804)_.

Ezekiel 36:32

Not for your sakes do
<06213> (8802)
I [this], saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
be it known
<03045> (8735)
unto you: be ashamed
<0954> (8798)
and confounded
<03637> (8734)
for your own ways
O house
of Israel

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