NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Deuteronomy 33:1


blessing <01293> [the blessing.]

man <0376> [the man.]

Joshua 14:6


Gilgal <01537> [Gilgal.]

Caleb <03612> [Caleb.]

Kenizzite <07074> [Kenezite.]

know <03045> [Thou knowest.]

man <0376> [the man.]

Kadesh Barnea <06947> [Kadesh-barnea.]

Joshua 14:1


Eleazar <0499> [which Eleazar.]

Joshua 2:1


sent <07971> [sent. or, had sent. Shittim.]

spies out .... secretly <07270 02791> [to spy secretly.]

Jericho <03405> [even Jericho.]

prostitute <0802 02181> [harlot's house.]

Though the word {zonah} generally denotes a prostitute, yet many very learned men are of opinion that it should be here rendered an innkeeper or hostess, from {zoon,} to furnish or provide food. In this sense it was understood by the Targumist, who renders it, {ittetha pundekeetha,} "a woman, a tavern-keeper," and so St. Chrysostome, in his second sermon on Repentance, calls her [pandokeutria.] The Greek [porn‚,] by which the LXX. render it, and which is adopted by the Apostles, is derived from [perna¢,] to sell, and is also supposed to denote a tavern keeper. Among the ancients, women generally kept houses of entertainment. Herodotus says, "Among the Egyptians, the women carry on all commercial concerns, and keep taverns, while the men continue at home and weave." The same custom prevailed among the Greeks.


spent the night <07901> [lodged. Heb. lay.]

Joshua 9:6


camp <04264> [the camp.]

come <0935> [We be.]

Make ... treaty <03772 01285> [make ye.]

{Kirthoo lanoo berith,} "cut or divide with us a covenant," or rather the covenant sacrifice offered on these occasions. (See Note on De 29:12.)

Joshua 9:1


kings <04428> [all the kings.]

side <05676> [on this.]

Mediterranean <01419> [of the great.]

Lebanon <03844> [Lebanon.]

Hittites <02850> [Hittite.]

Joshua 17:18


hill country <02022> [the mountain.]

conquer <03423> [for thou shalt.]

Joshua 17:1-2


firstborn son ........... firstborn <01060> [the firstborn.]

Makir <04353> [Machir.]

Gilead ........... Gilead <01568> [Gilead.]


rest ....... assigned <03498> [the rest.]

descendants ........... descendants .............. descendants .... son <01121> [the children.]

Abiezer <044> [Abiezer.]

[Jeezer. children of Asriel.]

descendants ........... descendants ....... Hepher ........ descendants .... son <02660 01121> [children of Hepher.]

Joshua 4:9


set up twelve <06965 08147> [set up twelve.]

day <03117> [and they are there.]

These words might be written by Joshua at the close of his life, or perhaps be added by some later prophet. It seems from this verse, that there were two sorts of stones erected as a memorial of this great event: twelve at Gilgal (ver. 20,) and twelve in the bed of the Jordan; which last might have been placed on a base of strong stone work, so high as always to be visible, and serve to mark the very spot where the priests stood with the ark. Drs. Kennicott and Shuckford, however, would read here with the Syriac, {mittoch,} "from the midst," instead of {bethoch,} "in the midst;" and render, "And Joshua took up the twelve stones (taken) from the midst of Jordan," etc. But this reading is unsupported by any MS. yet collated; and it appears wholly unnecessary.

Joshua 4:16


Joshua 4:1


other <08552 05674> [were clean passed.]

Joshua 6:11

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