Deuteronomy 13:13-18
<01121> [the children. or, naughty men.]
evil <01100> [Belial.]
Belial is derived by some from {beli,} not, and {ƒl,} over, i.e., one so proud and envious as not to bear a superior; by others, from {beli,} not, and {ol,} a yoke, i.e., a lawless, ungovernable person, [andres paranomoi,] "lawless men," as the LXX render. It is, however, more probably derived from {beli,} not, and {y„ƒl}, profit, i.e., a worthless person, good for nothing to himself or others, and capable of nothing but mischief.
departed <03318> [are gone.]
<03212> [Let us.]
annihilate <02763> [destroying it utterly.]
burn <08313 0784> [burn with.]
ruin <08510> [an heap.]
<01692> [cleave.]
placed under judgment <02764> [cursed. or, devoted.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
show <05414> [and shew.]
multiply <07235> [and multiply.]
promised <07650> [as he hath.]
keeping <08104> [to keep.]