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Deuteronomy 14:22--15:18



presence ......... eat <06440 0398> [eat before.]

firstborn <01062> [the firstlings.]


place <04725> [if the place.]

locate ..... distant <03068> [which.]


Then you ....... you <05414> [bestow.]

desire <05315> [thy soul.]

desire <07592> [desireth. Heb. asketh of thee. eat.]

enjoy <08055> [rejoice.]


Levites <03881> [the Levite.]

allotment <02506> [he hath no.]


end <07097> [the end.]

bring <03318> [thou shalt bring.]

As the Levites had no inheritance, the Israelites were not to forget them, but truly tithe their increase. For their support, the Levites had, 1. The tenth of all the productions of the land. 2. Forty-eight cities, each forming a square of 4,000 cubits. 3. Two thousand cubits of ground round each city; total of land, 53,000 acres. 4. The first-fruits, and certain parts of all the animals killed in the land. But though this was a very small proportion for a whole tribe that had consented to annihilate its political existence, that it might wait upon the service of God, yet, let it be considered, that what they possessed was the best of the land: and while it was slender remuneration for their services, yet their portion was such as rendered them independent, and kept them comfortable; so that they could wait on God, and labour in his work, without distraction.


allotment <02506> [he hath.]

resident foreigners <01616> [the stranger.]

Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]



creditor ....... loaned <05383 01167> [creditor that lendeth. Heb. master of the lending of his hand. exact it.]



However <0657> [Save, etc. or, To the end that there be no poor among you.]

Houbigant follows this marginal reading, to which he joins the end of the third verse, considering it as explanatory of the law; as if he had said, "Thou shalt not exact the debt that is due from thy brother, but thy hand shall release him, for this reason, that there may be no poor among you through your severity." He justly contends that the phrase {ephes kee,} can here only mean, "to the end that," being equivalent to the French {afin que.}

bless <01288> [greatly bless.]



lend ........ borrow <05670> [thou shalt lend.]

rule ......... rule <04910> [thou shalt reign.]


poor .............. condition <034> [there be.]

Lest the preceding law might render the Israelites cautious in lending to the poor, Moses here warns them against being led by so mean a principle; but to lend liberally, and God would reward them.

harden <0553> [thou shalt.]


careful <08104> [Beware.]

<01697> [thought, etc. Heb. word with thine heart of Belial. thine eye.]

cry out <07121> [he cry.]

sinned <02399> [sin unto thee.]


<03824> [thine heart.]

because <01558> [because.]


poor .......................... poor <034> [the poor.]

Although Moses, by the statutes relative to the division of the land, and inheritance, and the inalienable nature of it, had studied to prevent any Israelite from being born poor, yet he exhorts them to the exercise of the tenderest compassion and most benevolent actions; and not to refuse assistance to the decayed Israelite, though the sabbatical year drew nigh.

make sure ... open <06605> [Thou shalt.]



This is a most humane and merciful addition to the law in Ex 21:2-11; enforced upon the Israelites by the consideration of their Egyptian bondage. As a faithful servant has made no property for himself while honestly serving his master, so now, when he quits his service, he has nothing to begin the world with except what the kindness of his master may bestow upon him as a remuneration for his zeal and fidelity. Though what was to be bestowed upon servants is not fixed, yet they were to be liberally supplied. (ver. 14.)


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]




permanently <05769> [for ever.]


difficult <07185> [shall not.]

twice <04932> [a double.]

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