Deuteronomy 14:7-8
pig <02386> [the swine.]
touch <05060> [touch.]
Deuteronomy 14:10
Deuteronomy 14:12-20
kite <07201> [the glede.]
{RaÆ’h,} probably the same as {daÆ’h,} rendered vulture in Le 11:14, where six of Dr. Kennicott's codices read some animal of the hawk or vulture kind: LXX. [gupa,] vulture.
owl <08464> [the night.]
{Tachmas,} probably the bird which Hasselquist calls {strix orientalis}, or oriental owl.
seagull <07828> [the cuckow.]
{Shachpaph,} probably the sea-gull or mew.
white owl <08580> [the swan.]
{Tinshemeth,} probably, as Michaelis supposes, the goose.
carrion vulture <07360> [gier.]
{Rachamah,} probably a species of vulture, still called in Arabic by the same name.
cormorant <07994> [the cormorant.]
{Shalach,} probably the cataract, or plungeon, a sea fowl.
hoopoe <01744> [the lapwing.]
{Doocheephath,} the {upupa,} or hoop, a beautiful but very unclean bird.