Deuteronomy 15:12-19
This is a most humane and merciful addition to the law in Ex 21:2-11; enforced upon the Israelites by the consideration of their Egyptian bondage. As a faithful servant has made no property for himself while honestly serving his master, so now, when he quits his service, he has nothing to begin the world with except what the kindness of his master may bestow upon him as a remuneration for his zeal and fidelity. Though what was to be bestowed upon servants is not fixed, yet they were to be liberally supplied. (ver. 14.)
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
permanently <05769> [for ever.]
difficult <07185> [shall not.]
twice <04932> [a double.]
firstborn .............. firstborn ........ firstborn <01060> [the firstling.]
work <05647> [thou shalt do.]