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Ecclesiastes 2:8


silver <03701> [silver.]

singers .... singers <07891> [men singers.]

harem .... concubines <07705> [musical instruments, etc. Heb. musical instrument and instruments.]

The difficult words {shiddah weshiddoth} are variously rendered. The LXX. have [oinocoon kai oinochoas,] "male and female cup-bearers," with which the Syriac and Arabic and Parkhurst agree; Aquila, [kulikon kai kulikia,] "a cup and smaller cups;" Jerome, {scyphos et urceolos, (Vulg. {urceos,}) "goblets and pots;" Targum, "warm and cold baths;" others, as M. Desvoeux, "male and female captives;" others, "cooks and confectioners;" others, "a species of musical compositions," derived from Sido, a celebrated Phoenician woman, to whom Sanchoniatho attributes the invention of music; but others, with more probability, "wives and concubines;" and {siddoth} may be in this sense synonymous with the Arabic {seedat, domina, conjux} from {sada,} in {Conj. V. conjugium inivit.} Of the former, Solomon had three hundred, and of the latter, seven hundred; and if they are not mentioned here they are not mentioned at all, which is wholly unaccountable.

Ecclesiastes 2:18-21


loathed <08130> [I hated.]

worked <06001> [taken. Heb. laboured. I should.]


knows <03045> [who knoweth.]

wisely ... earth <02449 08121> [wise under.]



work <05999> [whose.]

hand over <05414> [leave. Heb. give.]

Ecclesiastes 2:26


pleases ............................ pleases <06440> [in his sight. Heb. before him.]

wisdom <02451> [wisdom.]

sinner <02398> [to the sinner.]

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