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Exodus 13:2


apart <06942> [Sanctify.]

The word {kadash} is to consecrate, separate, and set apart a person or thing from all common or secular purposes to some religious use; and exactly answers to the Greek [hagiazo,] from [a,] privative, and [g‚,] the earth; because everything offered or consecrated to God was separated from all earthly uses.

Exodus 13:12


over <05674> [thou shalt.]

over <05674> [set apart. Heb. cause to pass over. openeth.]

Exodus 34:19


firstborn .......... firstborn <06363> [openeth.]

Leviticus 27:26


firstborn <01060> [the firstling. Heb. first born, etc.]

As these firstlings were the Lord's before, it would have been a solemn mockery to pretend to make them a matter of a singular vow; for they were already appointed, if clean, to be sacrificed.

Lord .................... Lord <03068> [which.]

Numbers 3:13


firstborn ......... firstborn .............. firstborn <01060> [Because.]

When <03117> [on the day.]

Numbers 18:17


firstborn <01060> [the firstling.]

redeem .................. splash <06299 02236> [thou shalt.]

Romans 8:29


whom <3739> [whom.]

he also predestined ......... his .... his Son <4309 2532 846> [he also.]

conformed <4832> [to be.]

he ... predestined ......... his .... his Son <4309 1519 846> [that he might.]

Hebrews 12:23


<3831> [the general.]

firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]

who are enrolled <583> [which.]

[written. or, enrolled. God.]

spirits <4151> [the spirits.]

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