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Exodus 24:11

And upon the nobles
of the children
of Israel
he laid
<07971> (8804)
not his hand
also they saw
<02372> (8799)
and did eat
<0398> (8799)
and drink
<08354> (8799)_.

Deuteronomy 12:7

And there ye shall eat
<0398> (8804)
the LORD
your God
and ye shall rejoice
<08055> (8804)
in all that ye put
your hand
unto, ye and your households
wherein the LORD
thy God
hath blessed
<01288> (8765)

Deuteronomy 12:11-12

Then there shall be a place
which the LORD
your God
shall choose
<0977> (8799)
to cause his name
to dwell
<07931> (8763)
there; thither shall ye bring
<0935> (8686)
all that I command
<06680> (8764)
you; your burnt offerings
and your sacrifices
your tithes
and the heave offering
of your hand
and all your choice
which ye vow
<05087> (8799)
unto the LORD
{your choice...: Heb. the choice of your vows}
And ye shall rejoice
<08055> (8804)
the LORD
your God
ye, and your sons
and your daughters
and your menservants
and your maidservants
and the Levite
that [is] within your gates
as he hath no part
nor inheritance
with you.

Deuteronomy 16:14-17

And thou shalt rejoice
<08055> (8804)
in thy feast
thou, and thy son
and thy daughter
and thy manservant
and thy maidservant
and the Levite
the stranger
and the fatherless
and the widow
that [are] within thy gates
shalt thou keep a solemn feast
<02287> (8799)
unto the LORD
thy God
in the place
which the LORD
shall choose
<0977> (8799)_:
because the LORD
thy God
shall bless
<01288> (8762)
thee in all thine increase
and in all the works
of thine hands
therefore thou shalt surely rejoice
in a year
shall all thy males
<07200> (8735)
the LORD
thy God
in the place
which he shall choose
<0977> (8799)_;
in the feast
of unleavened bread
and in the feast
of weeks
and in the feast
of tabernacles
and they shall not appear
<07200> (8735)
the LORD
Every man
[shall give] as he is able
<04979> <03027>_,
according to the blessing
of the LORD
thy God
which he hath given
<05414> (8804)
thee. {as...: Heb. according to the gift of his hand}

Deuteronomy 16:2

Thou shalt therefore sacrifice
<02076> (8804)
the passover
unto the LORD
thy God
of the flock
and the herd
in the place
which the LORD
shall choose
<0977> (8799)
to place
<07931> (8763)
his name

Deuteronomy 7:10

And repayeth
<07999> (8764)
them that hate
<08130> (8802)
him to their face
to destroy
<06> (8687)
them: he will not be slack
<0309> (8762)
to him that hateth
<08130> (8802)
him, he will repay
<07999> (8762)
him to his face

Nehemiah 8:12

And all the people
went their way
<03212> (8799)
to eat
<0398> (8800)_,
and to drink
<08354> (8800)_,
and to send
<07971> (8763)
and to make
<06213> (8800)
because they had understood
<0995> (8689)
the words
that were declared
<03045> (8689)
unto them.

Ecclesiastes 2:24

[There is] nothing better
for a man
[than] that he should eat
<0398> (8799)
and drink
<08354> (8804)_,
and [that] he should make his soul
<07200> (8689)
in his labour
also I saw
<07200> (8804)_,
that it [was] from the hand
of God
{should make...: or, delight his senses}

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

I know
<03045> (8804)
that [there is] no good
in them, but for [a man] to rejoice
<08055> (8800)_,
and to do
<06213> (8800)
in his life
And also that every man
should eat
<0398> (8799)
and drink
<08354> (8804)_,
and enjoy
<07200> (8804)
the good
of all his labour
it [is] the gift
of God

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Then I commended
<07623> (8765)
because a man
hath no better thing
under the sun
than to eat
<0398> (8800)_,
and to drink
<08354> (8800)_,
and to be merry
<08055> (8800)_:
for that shall abide
<03867> (8799)
with him of his labour
the days
of his life
which God
<05414> (8804)
him under the sun

Ecclesiastes 9:7

Go thy way
<03212> (8798)_,
<0398> (8798)
thy bread
with joy
and drink
<08354> (8798)
thy wine
with a merry
for God
<07521> (8804)
thy works

Ecclesiastes 9:1

For all this I considered
<05414> (8804)
in my heart
even to declare
<0952> (8800)
all this, that the righteous
and the wise
and their works
[are] in the hand
of God
no man
<03045> (8802)
or hatred
[by] all [that is] before
them. {I considered...: Heb. I gave, or, set to my heart}

Ecclesiastes 6:1

There is
an evil
which I have seen
<07200> (8804)
under the sun
and it [is] common
among men

Ecclesiastes 6:1

There is
an evil
which I have seen
<07200> (8804)
under the sun
and it [is] common
among men

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