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Exodus 18:16


dispute <01697> [a matter.]

man .... neighbor <07453 0376> [one and another. Heb. a man and his fellow.]

known <03045> [make.]

Deuteronomy 4:1


statutes <02706> [unto the statutes.]

Statutes, every thing that concerned morals and the rites and ceremonies of religion; judgments, all matters of civil right and wrong.

live <02421> [that ye may.]

Deuteronomy 4:5


The people had been often ready to conclude that Moses taught them by his own authority; but at the close of his life he solemnly assured them that he had instructed them exactly as the Lord had commanded him, neither more, nor less, nor otherwise. This is a most express declaration that he was divinely inspired, and utterly incompatible with his integrity of character, if he was not. Scott.

Deuteronomy 5:1


Israel ........ Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

Listen <08085> [Hear.]

be careful ... keep <08104 06213> [keep, and. Heb. keep to.]

Deuteronomy 6:1-2


commandments <04687> [the commandments.]

headed <03423 05674> [go to possess it. Heb. pass over.]


revere <03372> [fear.]

children .... grandchildren <01121> [and thy son.]

days <03117> [thy days.]

Deuteronomy 7:11


Nehemiah 9:13-14


down <03381> [camest.]

spoke <01696> [spakest.]

provided them <05414> [gavest.]

true laws <08451 0571> [true laws. Heb. laws of truth.]


known <03045> [madest.]

issued ....... them <06680> [commandedst.]

Moses <04872> [Moses.]

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