Exodus 2:8-17
<03212> [Go.]
mother <0517> [mother.]
son <01121> [and he.]
Moses <04872> [Moses. Drawn out. Because.]
Moses <04872> [A.M. 2473. B.C. 1531. Moses.]
hard labor <05450> [burdens.]
looked <06437> [he looked.]
attacked <05221> [slew.]
If the Egyptian killed the Hebrew, Moses only acted agreeably to the divine law (Ge 9:6) in thus slaying the Egyptian; nor did he violate the law of Egypt; for, according to Diodorus Siculus (1. 1. 17), "he who saw a man killed, or violently assaulted on the highway, and did not rescue him, if he could, was punished with death." Moses, therefore, in this transaction, acted as a brave and good man; especially as at this time there was little probability of obtaining justice on an Egyptian murderer.
said <0559> [and he said.]
made <07760> [Who.]
ruler <08269> [a prince. Heb. a man, a prince.]
Moses <04872> [Moses.]
fled <01272> [fled.]
Midian <04080> [Midian.]
settled ......... settled <03427> [sat down.]
priest <03548> [the priest. or, prince.]
came <0935> [they came.]
shepherds <07462> [shepherds.]
watered <08248> [watered.]