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Exodus 28:13-14


braided chains ... pure ......... chains <08333 02889> [chains of.]

cord ..... chains <05688> [of wreathen.]

Exodus 28:25


chains .... attach ........ attach them <05688 05414> [wreathen chains.]

[on the shoulder pieces.]


ephod <0646> [of the ephod.]

Exodus 39:6


onyx stones <07718 068> [onyx stones.]

The meaning of the word {shoham} is not easily determined. It has been variously rendered a beryl, emerald, prasius, sapphire, sardius, ruby, carnelian, onyx, and sardonyx. It may signify both the onyx and sardonyx. The latter stone is a mixture of the chalcedony and carnelian, sometimes in strata, and at other times blended together, and is found striped with white and red strata, or layers. It is generally allowed that there is no real difference, except in hardness, between the carnelian, chalcedony, agate, sardonyx, and onyx. The onyx is of a darkish horny colour, resembling the nail or hoof, from which circumstance it has its name [(onyx).] It has often a plate of a blueish white or red in it, and when on one or both sides of this white there appears a plate of a reddish colour, the jewellers call the stone a sardonyx.

filigree <04865> [ouches.]

{Mishbetzoth,} strait places, sockets, to insert the stones in, from {shavatz,} to straiten, enclose.

Exodus 39:13


chrysolite <08658> [a beryl.]

Tarshish, a pellucid gem, of a sea or blueish green colour.

jasper <03471> [a jasper.]

{Yaspeh,} the jasper, a hard stone, of which there are not less than fifteen varieties of colour, as green, red, yellow, brown, black, etc.

Exodus 39:18


two ..... two chains ...... two <05688 08147> [two wreathen.]

ephod <0646> [ephod.]


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