Exodus 29:40
tenth of an ephah <06241> [a tenth.]
fine flour <05560> [deal.]
{Deal} signifies a part, from the Anglo-Saxon {d‘l,} a part, or portion, taken from the whole, from {d‘lan,} to divide. From Nu 28:5, we learn, that this tenth {deal} was the tenth part of an {ephah,} which constituted an {omer,} about three quarts English.
hin ............ hin <01969> [hin.]
drink offering <05262> [a drink.]
Ge 35:14 Le 23:13 Nu 6:15-17 15:5,7,10,24 28:10,14,15,24
Nu 29:16 De 32:38 Isa 57:6 Eze 20:28 45:17 Joe 1:9,13 2:14
Php 2:17 *Gr: [All]