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Exodus 38:22


Bezalel <01212> [Bezaleel.]

The supernatural qualifications of Bezaleel and Aholiab proved their divine appointment; yet they had an express nomination to their work: they were also miraculously qualified to instruct their assistants, as well as to superintend them. Christ alone builds the Temple of the Lord, and bears the glory; but ministers and private Christians, under his direction and by his grace, may be fellow-workers together with him. They who, in mean employments, are diligent and humbly contented, are equally acceptable with those who are engaged in more splendid services. The women who spun the goats' hair were wise-hearted, as well as the persons who presided over the work of the tabernacle, or as Aaron, who burnt incense there, because they did it heartily unto the Lord. Our wisdom and duty consist in giving God the glory and use of our talents, be they more or less; neither abusing nor burying them, but occupying with them until our Lord shall come; being satisfied that it is better to be a door-keeper in his service, than the most mighty and renowned of the ungodly.--Scott.

Lord <03068> [all that the Lord.]

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