Ezekiel 17:10
prosper ..... wither completely ............ wither <06743 03001> [shall it.]
Ezekiel 17:15-17
rebelled <04775> [he rebelled.]
sending <07971> [in.]
prosper <06743> [Shall he prosper.]
one ..... escape ........ escape <04422> [shall he escape.]
break <06565> [or shall.]
oath <0423> [whose oath.]
middle <08432> [even.]
Pharaoh <06547> [shall.]
when siege <08210> [by.]
Numbers 14:41
transgressing <05674> [do ye.]
succeed <06743> [but it shall.]
Numbers 14:2
murmured <03885> [murmured.]
only ............ only <03863> [Would.]
Numbers 13:12
Numbers 20:20
pass through <05674> [Thou shalt.]
Edom <0123> [And Edom.]
Isaiah 8:9-10
broken <07489> [Associate.]
shattered ................... shattered .......... shattered <02865> [and ye. or, yet ye.]
Get ready ......... Get ready <0247> [gird.]
strategy <06098> [counsel.]
God <0410> [for God.]
Isaiah 30:1-7
rebellious <05637> [A.M. cir. 3291. B.C. cir. 713. the rebellious.]
make <06213> [that take.]
form <05258> [cover.]
compound <05595> [add.]
travel <01980> [walk.]
will <07592> [and have.]
protective shade <06738> [the shadow.]
protection <04581> [the strength.]
humiliation <03639> [your confusion.]
officials <08269> [his princes.]
Zoan <06814> [Zoan.]
Hanes <02609> [Hanes.]
message <04853> [burden.]
animals <0929> [beasts.]
land <0776> [into the land.]
Or, as Bp. Lowth renders, "through a land of distress and difficulty:" the same deserts are here spoken of which the Israelites passed through.
snakes <0660> [the viper.]
wealth <02428> [riches.]
Egypt <04714> [the Egyptians.]
this <02063> [concerning this. or, to her. Their.]
Isaiah 31:1-3
down <03381> [to them.]
rely .... horses <05483 08172> [stay on horses.]
[the look.]
seek <01875> [neither.]
wise <02450> [he also.]
bring <0935> [will bring.]
<05493> [will not.]
<05493> [call back. Heb. remove. arise.]
helps <05833> [against the help.]
Egyptians <04714> [the Egyptians.]
horses <05483> [their horses.]
strike <05186> [stretch.]
helps ........ helped <05826> [both.]
Jeremiah 32:5
dealt <06485> [until.]
fight <03898> [though.]