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Ezekiel 20:1-29

And it came to pass in the seventh
in the fifth
[month], the tenth
[day] of the month
[that] certain
of the elders
of Israel
<0935> (8804)
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of the LORD
and sat
<03427> (8799)
Then came the word
of the LORD
unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<01696> (8761)
unto the elders
of Israel
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Are ye come
<0935> (8802)
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of me? [As] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
I will not be enquired
<01875> (8735)
of by you.
Wilt thou judge
<08199> (8799)
them, son
of man
wilt thou judge
<08199> (8799)
[them]? cause them to know
<03045> (8685)
the abominations
of their fathers
{Wilt...: or, Wilt thou plead for them}
And say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
In the day
when I chose
<0977> (8800)
and lifted up
<05375> (8799)
mine hand
unto the seed
of the house
of Jacob
and made myself known
<03045> (8735)
unto them in the land
of Egypt
when I lifted
<05375> (8799)
up mine hand
unto them, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
I [am] the LORD
your God
{lifted...: or, sware}
In the day
[that] I lifted up
<05375> (8804)
mine hand
unto them, to bring them forth
<03318> (8687)
of the land
of Egypt
into a land
that I had espied
<08446> (8804)
for them, flowing
<02100> (8802)
with milk
and honey
which [is] the glory
of all lands
Then said
<0559> (8799)
I unto them, Cast ye away
<07993> (8685)
every man
the abominations
of his eyes
and defile
<02930> (8691)
not yourselves with the idols
of Egypt
I [am] the LORD
your God
But they rebelled
<04784> (8686)
against me, and would
<014> (8804)
not hearken
<08085> (8800)
unto me: they did not every man
cast away
<07993> (8689)
the abominations
of their eyes
neither did they forsake
<05800> (8804)
the idols
of Egypt
then I said
<0559> (8799)_,
I will pour out
<08210> (8800)
my fury
upon them, to accomplish
<03615> (8763)
my anger
against them in the midst
of the land
of Egypt
But I wrought
<06213> (8799)
for my name's
sake, that it should not be polluted
<02490> (8736)
the heathen
whom they [were], in whose sight
I made myself known
<03045> (8738)
unto them, in bringing them forth
<03318> (8687)
out of the land
of Egypt
Wherefore I caused them to go forth
<03318> (8686)
out of the land
of Egypt
and brought
<0935> (8686)
them into the wilderness
And I gave
<05414> (8799)
them my statutes
and shewed
<03045> (8689)
them my judgments
which [if] a man
<06213> (8799)_,
he shall even live
<02425> (8804)
in them. {shewed...: Heb. made them to know}
Moreover also I gave
<05414> (8804)
them my sabbaths
to be a sign
between me and them, that they might know
<03045> (8800)
that I [am] the LORD
that sanctify
<06942> (8764)
But the house
of Israel
<04784> (8686)
against me in the wilderness
they walked
<01980> (8804)
not in my statutes
and they despised
<03988> (8804)
my judgments
which [if] a man
<06213> (8799)_,
he shall even live
<02425> (8804)
in them; and my sabbaths
they greatly
<02490> (8765)_:
then I said
<0559> (8799)_,
I would pour out
<08210> (8800)
my fury
upon them in the wilderness
to consume
<03615> (8763)
But I wrought
<06213> (8799)
for my name's
sake, that it should not be polluted
<02490> (8736)
the heathen
in whose sight
I brought them out
<03318> (8689)_.
Yet also I lifted up
<05375> (8804)
my hand
unto them in the wilderness
that I would not bring
<0935> (8687)
them into the land
which I had given
<05414> (8804)
[them], flowing
<02100> (8802)
with milk
and honey
which [is] the glory
of all lands
Because they despised
<03988> (8804)
my judgments
and walked
<01980> (8804)
not in my statutes
but polluted
<02490> (8765)
my sabbaths
for their heart
<01980> (8802)
their idols
Nevertheless mine eye
<02347> (8799)
them from destroying
<07843> (8763)
them, neither did I make
<06213> (8804)
an end
of them in the wilderness
But I said
<0559> (8799)
unto their children
in the wilderness
<03212> (8799)
ye not in the statutes
of your fathers
neither observe
<08104> (8799)
their judgments
nor defile
<02930> (8691)
yourselves with their idols
I [am] the LORD
your God
<03212> (8798)
in my statutes
and keep
<08104> (8798)
my judgments
and do
<06213> (8798)
And hallow
<06942> (8761)
my sabbaths
and they shall be a sign
between me and you, that ye may know
<03045> (8800)
that I [am] the LORD
your God
Notwithstanding the children
<04784> (8686)
against me: they walked
<01980> (8804)
not in my statutes
neither kept
<08104> (8804)
my judgments
to do
<06213> (8800)
them, which [if] a man
<06213> (8799)_,
he shall even live
<02425> (8804)
in them; they polluted
<02490> (8765)
my sabbaths
then I said
<0559> (8799)_,
I would pour out
<08210> (8800)
my fury
upon them, to accomplish
<03615> (8763)
my anger
against them in the wilderness
Nevertheless I withdrew
<07725> (8689)
mine hand
and wrought
<06213> (8799)
for my name's
sake, that it should not be polluted
<02490> (8736)
in the sight
of the heathen
in whose sight
I brought them forth
<03318> (8689)_.
I lifted up
<05375> (8804)
mine hand
unto them also in the wilderness
that I would scatter
<06327> (8687)
them among the heathen
and disperse
<02219> (8763)
them through the countries
Because they had not executed
<06213> (8804)
my judgments
but had despised
<03988> (8804)
my statutes
and had polluted
<02490> (8765)
my sabbaths
and their eyes
were after
their fathers
Wherefore I gave
<05414> (8804)
them also statutes
[that were] not good
and judgments
whereby they should not live
<02421> (8799)_;
And I polluted
<02930> (8762)
them in their own gifts
in that they caused to pass through
<05674> (8687)
[the fire] all that openeth
the womb
that I might make them desolate
<08074> (8686)_,
to the end that they might know
<03045> (8799)
that I [am] the LORD
Therefore, son
of man
<01696> (8761)
unto the house
of Israel
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Yet in this your fathers
have blasphemed
<01442> (8765)
me, in that they have committed
<04603> (8800)
a trespass
against me. {committed...: Heb. trespassed a trespass}
[For] when I had brought
<0935> (8686)
them into the land
[for] the which I lifted up
<05375> (8804)
mine hand
to give
<05414> (8800)
it to them, then they saw
<07200> (8799)
every high
<07311> (8802)
and all the thick
and they offered
<02076> (8799)
there their sacrifices
and there they presented
<05414> (8799)
the provocation
of their offering
there also they made
<07760> (8799)
their sweet
and poured out
<05258> (8686)
there their drink offerings
Then I said
<0559> (8799)
unto them, What [is] the high place
whereunto ye go
<0935> (8802)_?
And the name
thereof is called
<07121> (8735)
unto this day
{I said...: or, I told them what the high place was, or, Bamah}

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