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Ezekiel 3:18


say <0559> [I say.]

live <02421> [to save.]

wicked .................... wicked ......... wicked ......... wicked <07563> [the same.]

accountable <01818> [but.]

Ezekiel 3:20


righteous <06662> [When.]

righteousness ............................ righteous <06664 06666> [righteousness. Heb. righteousnesses.]

I set <05414> [and I lay.]

warned <02094> [because.]

righteous <06666> [and his.]

accountable <01818> [but his.]

Ezekiel 32:2-9


sing <05375> [take up.]

like <01819> [Thou art like.]

monster <08577> [and thou art as.]

monster <08577> [whale. or, dragon. and troubledst.]




put <05414> [And I.]

To represent the power, rapaciousness, and cruelty of Pharaoh, he had been compared to a fierce young lion, and also to an immense, overgrown sea-monster, or crocodile; and here it is predicted that God would cast a net over him, by which many companies of people should drag him out of his rivers, and cast him into the open field, mountains, valleys, etc., to be devoured by birds and beasts of prey; that is, his ruin would be complete, and attended with terrible miseries to the Egyptians, and afford a large booty to their enemies.


drench <08248> [water.]

land <0776> [the land.]

Egypt, so called because interspersed by numerous canals, and overflowed annually by the Nile.

flow <06824> [wherein thou swimmest. or, of thy swimming.]


extinguish <03518> [put thee out. or, extinguish thee.]

cover ... sky ......... cover <03680 08064> [I will cover the heaven.]

Destroy the empire.

darken <06937> [make.]

Overwhelm the dependent states.

sun <08121> [the sun.]

The king.

moon <03394> [the moon.]

The queen, or some state less than the kingdom.


lights .... sky <0216 08064 03974> [bright lights of heaven. Heb. lights of the light in heaven.]

darken <06937> [dark. Heb. them dark.]

darken <02822 05414> [set darkness upon.]

Involve the whole land in desolation and woe.


disturb <03707> [vex. Heb. provoke to anger, or grief.]

bring <0935> [when.]

Matthew 18:6-7


anyone causes <4624> [offend.]

little <3398> [little.]

millstone <2443 3458> [that a.]

This mode of punishment appears to have obtained in Syria as well as in Greece, especially in cases of parricide. That it was customary in Greece we learn from Suidas, in [hyperbolon lithon,] and the scholiast on the Equites of Aristophanes: [Hotan <\\See definition 3752\\> gar <\\See definition 1063\\> katara <\\See definition 2671\\> tinos <\\See definition 5099\\> baros <\\See definition 922\\> apo <\\See definition 575\\> ton trachelos <\\See definition 5137\\> kremannumi <\\See definition 2910\\>.] "When a person was drowned, they hung a weight about his neck."


world <2889> [unto.]

<1063> [for.]

but <4133> [but.]

Acts 20:26-27


I declare <3143> [I take.]

that <3754> [that.]


hold back <5288> [I have.]

whole <3956> [all.]

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