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Ezekiel 48:1-35


names <08034> [the names.]

northern ....................... north <06828> [From.]

[a portion. Heb. one portion. Dan.]


Asher <0836> [Asher.]


Naphtali <05321> [Naphtali.]


border <01366> [by the border.]

In this division of the Holy Land, a portion is laid out for each of the twelve tribes directly across the country, from east to west; and deducting the square of 25,000 reeds, or nearly fifty miles on each side, between Judah and Benjamin, for the priests, Levites, city, and temple, with the inheritance of the prince to the east and west, (see on ch. 45:1,) from 280 miles, the length of the country from north to south, there will remain for each tribe a portion of less than twenty miles in width, and 150 in length. This division of the land entirely differs from that which was made in the days of Joshua, in which the tribes were not only differently placed, but confused and inter-mixed; while here distinct lots are assigned to each of the twelve tribes, in a regular mathematical form. Literally such a division never took place: it seems to denote the equality of privileges which subsists among all the tribes of Believers, of whatever nation, and whatever their previous character may have been.

Manasseh <04519> [Manasseh.]


Ephraim <0669> [Ephraim.]


Reuben <07205> [Reuben.]


Judah <03063> [Judah.]


allotment <08641> [the offering.]

sanctuary <04720> [the sanctuary.]


priests <03548> [for the priests.]

sanctuary <04720> [and the sanctuary.]



priests ..... apart <03548 06942> [It shall be for the priests that are sanctified. or, The sanctified portion shall be for the priests. the sons]

charge <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance.]

Levites <03881> [as the Levites.]


most holy <06944> [a thing.]


eight and a quarter miles ..... three and one-third .......... eight and a quarter miles ..... three and one-third miles <06242 0505 02568> [five and twenty thousand in.]


sell <04376> [they shall.]

set apart <06944> [for.]


common <02455> [a profane.]

city ......... city <05892> [for the city.]

The holy oblation of 25,000 square reeds, or near fifty square miles, was divided into three parts from north to south (see on ch. 45:1): a portion on the north of 10,000 reeds in width, and 25,000 in length, for the priests, in the midst of which was the sanctuary or temple, surrounded by a wall 500 reeds square, (ver. 9, 10; see on ch. 42:15;) next to this another portion of the same dimensions for the Levites, (ver. 13, 14;) and on the south another portion of the same length, but only 5,000 reeds in breadth, for the city (ver. 15.) The city was situated in the midst of this portion, being 4,500 reeds, or about nine miles square, (see on ver. 30,) having a suburb of 250 reeds, or about half a mile, on each side, (ver. 17,) leaving 10,000 reeds or nearly ten miles, on the east side, and the same on the west side, for the profit of those who serve the city out of all the tribes, (ver. 18, 19.) On the east and west sides of this square of 25,000 reeds, is the portion of the prince; each of which, estimating the breadth of the land at 150 miles, would form a square of fifty miles. Thus the whole plan of the division of the country, laying out of the city, temple, and all its appendages, is perfectly regular and uniform; and would therefore convey to the minds of the Jews the most complete idea they were capable of conceiving of the most perfect church, commonwealth, city, temple, and conveniences, on the largest and grandest scale for the Divine worship; and it doubtless ultimately points out the land of Immanuel, the city of the New Jerusalem, and his temple, the Christian church, the house of the living God.


workers <05647> [that serve.]


workers ............ cultivate <05647> [shall serve.]


square <07243> [four-square.]


rest <03498> [the residue.]

westward ........... west <03220> [and westward.]


Benjamin <01144> [Benjamin.]

[a portion. Heb. one portion.]



Simeon <08095> [Simeon.]


Issachar <03485> [Issachar.]


Zebulun <02074> [Zebulun.]


Gad <01410> [Gad.]


Tamar <08559> [from Tamar.]

Meribath Kadesh <06946 04808> [strife in Kadesh. Heb. Meribah-kadesh.]

Stream <05158> [the river.]

Great Sea <03220 01419> [the great sea.]



exits <08444> [the goings.]

one and one-half miles <0702> [four.]

It is certainly most obvious to interpret these measures, not of cubits, but of the measuring reed which the prophet's conductor had in his hand; according to which, the city would be about thirty-six miles in circumference, and nine miles on each side of the square; which was nearly nine times larger than the greatest extent to which Jerusalem ever attained, (See on ver. 15; ch. 42:16.) The large dimensions of the city and land were perhaps intended to intimate the extensive and glorious propagation of the gospel in the times predicted; and the land was not called Canaan, nor the city Jerusalem, probably because they were figurative of spiritual blessings to the church and to Israel.



name <08034> [and the name.]

<03074> [The Lord. Heb. JEHOVAH shammah.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL. The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: "Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah in elegance; in sublimity he is not even excelled by Isaiah; but his sublimity is of a totally different kind. He is deep, vehement, tragical; his sentiments are elevated, animated, full of fire and indignation; his imagery is crowded, magnificent, terrific; his language is grand, solemn, austere, rough, and at times unpolished; he abounds in repetitions, not for the sake of grace or elegance, but from vehemence and indignation. Whatever subject he treats of, that he sedulously puruses; from that he rarely departs, but cleaves, as it were, to it; whence the connexion is in general evident and well preserved. In other respects he may perhaps be exceeded by the other prophets; but, for that species of composition to which he seems adapted by natural gifts, the forcible, impetuous, grave, and grand, not one of the sacred writers is superior to him. His diction is sufficiently perspicuous; all his obscurity arises from the nature of his subjects. Visions (as for instance, among others, those of Hosea, Amos, and Zechariah,) are necessarily dark and confused. The greater part of Ezekiel, particularly towards the middle of the book, is poetical, whether we regard the matter of the language." Abp. Newcombe judiciously observes, The Prophet is not to be considered merely as a poet, or as a framer of those august and astonishing visions, and of those admirable poetical representations, which he committed to writing; but as an instrument in the hands of God, who vouchsafed to reveal himself, through a long succession of ages, not only in divers parts constituting a magnificant and uniform whole, but also in different manners, as by voice, by dreams, by inspiration, and by plain or enigmatical vision. "Ezekiel is a great poet, full of originality; and, in my opinion, whoever censures him as if he were only an imitator of the old prophets, can never have felt his power. He must not, in general, be compared with Isaiah, and the rest of the old prophets. Those are great, Ezekiel is also great; those in their manner of poetry, Ezekiel in his." To justify this character the learned prelate descends to particulars, and gives apposite examples, not only of the clear, flowing, and nervous, but also of the sublime; and concludes his observations on his style, by stating it to be his deliberate opinion, that if his "style is the old age of Hebrew language and composition, (as has been alleged,) it is a firm and vigorous one, and should induce us to trace its youth and manhood with the most assiduous attention." As a Prophet, Ezekiel must ever be allowed to occupy a very high rank; and few of the prophets have left a more valuable treasure to the church of God than he has. It is true, he is in several places obscure; but this resulted either from the nature of his subjects, or the events predicted being still unfulfilled; and, when time has rolled away the mist of futurity, successive generations will then perceive with what heavenly wisdom this much neglected prophet has spoken. There is, however, a great proportion of his work which is free from every obscurity, and highly edifying. He has so accurately and minutely foretold the fate and condition of various nations and cities, that nothing can be more interesting than to trace the exact accomplishment of these prophecies in the accounts furnished by historians and travellers; while, under the elegant type of a new temple to be erected, a new worship to be introduced, and a new Jerusalem to be built, with new land to be allotted to the twelve tribes, may be discovered the vast extent and glory of the New Testament Church.

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