Galatians 4:7
<1488> [thou.]
but <235> [but.]
if <1487> [if.]
heir <2818> [heir.]
Galatians 4:28
Romans 4:13-14
For ... promise ...... his .... he <1063 846 1860> [For the.]
his .... he ......... through ... law ... through ... righteousness <846 1223 3551 1343> [through the.]
through .... but through <1223 235> [but through.]
is empty ..... is nullified <2758 2673> [made.]
Romans 8:17
if children <1487 5043> [if children.]
heirs ... heirs <2818 3303> [heirs of.]
indeed <1512> [if so be.]
Romans 8:1
no <3762> [no.]
in <1722> [in.]
<4043> [who.]
Colossians 3:22
obey <5219> [obey.]
people-pleasers <441> [menpleasers.]
in ................. with a sincere <2596 1722 572> [in singleness.]
fearing <5399> [fearing.]
Ephesians 3:6
Gentiles <1484> [the Gentiles.]
fellow members of the body <4954> [the same.]
fellow partakers <4830> [partakers.]
Titus 3:7
have been justified <1344> [being.]
we become <1096> [made.]
confident expectation <1680> [hope.]
Hebrews 1:14
ministering <3010> [ministering.]
sent out <649> [sent.]
serve <1248> [minister.]
inherit <2816> [heirs.]
Hebrews 6:17
more clearly <4054> [more.]
heirs <2818> [the heirs.]
unchangeable <276> [the immutability.]
he intervened with an oath <3315 3727> [confirmed it. Gr. interposed himself.]
Hebrews 11:7
Noah <3575> [Noah.]
when ... was warned <5537> [warned.]
not yet <3369> [things.]
with reverent regard <2125> [moved with fear. or, being wary.]
constructed <2680> [prepared.]
he condemned <2632> [he condemned.]
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
James 2:5
Listen <191> [Hearken.]
Did not ... choose <1586 3756> [Hath not.]
rich <4145> [rich.]
heirs <2818> [heirs.]
poor .............. kingdom <4434 932> [the. or, that which.]
Revelation 21:7
conquers <3528> [overcometh.]
will inherit <2816> [inherit.]
<3956> [all things. or, these things. and I.]