Genesis 24:27
Eliezer and Rebekah (Genesis 24:1-61)
Rebekah offers Eliezer a drink from her pitcher
Rebekah waters the camels
Abraham's servant meets Rebekah
Rebekah at the well

Exodus 18:10
Jethro's Visit (Exodus 18; Deuteronomy 1:9-18)
Jethro and Zipporah return
Jethro advises Moses
Jethro and Moses
Moses and Jethro

Ezra 7:27
Ezra Comes to Jerusalem (Ezra 7)
Artaxerxes granting liberty to the Jews
Ezra returns to Jerusalem
Ezra thanks God for his help
I have been able to persuade many ... to return with me
Psalms 41:12-13
Psalms 41: You Set Me in Your Presence (Psalms 41)
Psalm 41
Et post buccellam introivit in eum satanas
Blessed is he that understands concerning the needy and the poor
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 41
Psalms 72:18
Psalms 72: God Bless the King! (Psalms 72)
Psalm 72
Kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents, The
All nations will call him blessed
Luke 1:68
The Birth and Naming of the Baptist (Luke 1:57-79)
Birth of St. John the Baptist, The. Zechariah writes John's name.
Naming of St. John the Baptist, The
Birth of John the Baptist
Birth of John the Baptist, The

(45 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Luke 1