Kidung Jemaat
Luke 24:27-29
Hai Dengar Tembang Malaikat [KJ.104]
1. Hai, dengar tembang malaikat bergema di Efrata:
"Bagi Allah kemuliaan ditakhtaNya yang megah!"
Luk 2:14
Ef 2:17
2. Damai sorga diberiNya diantara manusia
Yang sedia menerima Yesus Kristus, Penebus!3. Yesus datang dalam dunia bagai anak yang kecil,
tapi sungguh, Anak itu adalahh Imanuel!
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
4. Damai sorga diberiNya diantara manusia
Yang sedia menerima Yesus Kristus, Penebus!
5. PeraduanNya palungan, bahkan salib takhtaNya;
Yesus rela menderita agar kita s'lamatlah.
Ibr 12:2
6. Damai sorga diberiNya diantara manusia
Yang sedia menerima Yesus Kristus, Penebus!
7. Di palungan dan salibNya kita sujud menyembah
dan percaya bahwa Dia Jurus'lamat dunia.
8. Damai sorga diberiNya diantara manusia
Yang sedia menerima Yesus Kristus, Penebus!Play Kau Mutiara Hatiku [KJ.324]
1. Kau Mutiara hatiku, ya Yesus, Kaulah hartaku, tetap mau
kumiliki. Ya, tinggallah selamanya dalam hatiku ini.
Mat 13:44-46
2. Tiada kasih yang teguh setara dengan kasihMu yang kukenal
di dunia; pun dalam maut aku terpaut padaMu sepenuhnya.
Mat 20:28
Yoh 15:13
Ef 3:18-19
3. SabdaMu sungguh dan benar, membuat aku tak gentar, baik hidup
maupun mati. Kau milikku; ku milikmu dengan sebulat hati.
Rm 14:8
4. Sekarang surya terbenam, ya Tuhan, hari pun kelam. O, tinggallah
sertaku! Meski gelap, Kaulah tetap jadi terang umatMu!Luk 24:29
Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
2 Kor 4:6
Play Tinggal Sertaku [KJ.329] ( Abide with Me )
1. Tinggal sertaku; hari t'lah senja. G'lap makin turun, Tuhan
tinggallah! Lain pertolongan tiada kutemu: Maha Penolong,
tinggal sertaku!
Ul 31:6, 8
Yos 1:5, 9
Luk 24:29
Ibr 13:5
2. Hidupku surut, ajal mendekat, nikmat duniawi hanyut melenyap.
Tiada yang tahan, tiada yang teguh; Kau yang abadi, tinggal sertaku!
3. Aku perlukan Dikau tiap jam; dalam cobaan Kaulah kupegang.
Siapa penuntun yang setaraMu? Sian dan malam tinggal sertaku!
4. Aku tak takut, kar'na Kau dekat; susah tak pahit duka tak berat.
Kubur dan maut, di mana jayamu?Tuhan yang bangkit tinggal sertaku!
1 Kor 15:54-56
5. B'rilah salibMu nyata di depan; tunjukkan jalan yang menuju t'rang.
Fajar menghalau kabut dan mendung. Tuhan, kekal Kau tinggal sertaku!
Genesis 32:26
[Gen 32:26] I Would Not Be Denied
When pangs of death seized on my soul,
Unto the Lord I cried;
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.Refrain
I would not be denied,
I would not be denied,
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.As Jacob in the days of old,
I wrestled with the Lord;
And instant, with a courage bold,
I stood upon His Word.Refrain
Old Satan said my Lord was gone
And would not hear my prayer;
But praise the Lord, the work is done,
And Christ the Lord is here.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go
Lord, I cannot let Thee go,
[originally, Nay, I cannot let Thee go]
Till a blessing Thou bestow:
Do not turn away Thy face,
Mine’s an urgent, pressing case.Dost Thou ask me who I am?
Ah! my Lord, Thou know’st my name;
Yet the question gives a plea
To support my suit with Thee.Thou didst once a wretch behold,
In rebellion blindly bold,
Scorn Thy grace, Thy power defy:
That poor rebel, Lord, was I.Once a sinner, near despair,
Sought Thy mercy seat by prayer;
Mercy heard, and set him free:
Lord, that mercy came to me.Many days have passed since then,
Many changes I have seen;
Yet have been upheld till now;
Who could hold me up but Thou?Thou hast helped in every need;
This emboldens me to plead:
After so much mercy past,
Canst Thou let me sink at last?No, I must maintain my hold;
’Tis Thy goodness makes me bold;
I can no denial take,
When I plead for Jesus’ sake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
My God! I know, I feel Thee mine,
And will not quit my claim,
Till all I have is lost in Thine,
And all renewed I am.I hold Thee with a trembling hand,
But will not let Thee go,
Till steadfastly by faith I stand,
And all Thy goodness know.When shall I see the welcome hour,
That plants my God in me!
Spirit of health, and life, and power,
And perfect liberty!Jesus, Thine all victorious love
Shed in my heart abroad;
Then shall my feet no longer rove,
Rooted and fixed in God.Love only can the conquest win,
The strength of sin subdue,
(My own unconquerable sin)
And form my soul anew.Love can bow down the stubborn neck,
The stone to flesh convert,
Soften, and melt, and pierce, and break
An adamantine heart.O that in me the sacred fire
Might now begin to glow,
Burn up the dross of base desire,
And make the mountains flow!O that it now from heaven might fall,
And all my sins consume!
Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call,
Spirit of burning, come!Refining fire, go through my heart,
Illuminate my soul;
Scatter Thy life through every part,
And sanctify the whole.No longer then my heart shall mourn,
While, purified by grace,
I only for His glory burn,
And always see His face.My steadfast soul, from falling free,
Shall then no longer move;
But Christ be all the world to me,
And all my heart be love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve
Shepherd divine, our wants relieve
In this our evil day,
To all Thy tempted followers give
The power to watch and pray.Long as our fiery trials last,
Long as the cross we bear,
O let our souls on Thee be cast
In never ceasing prayer!The Spirit of interceding grace
Give us in faith to claim;
To wrestle till we see Thy face,
And know Thy hidden Name.Till thou Thy perfect love impart,
Till thou thyself bestow,
Be this the cry of every heart,
“I will not let Thee go:“I will not let Thee go, unless
Thou tell Thy name to me,
With all Thy great salvation bless,
And make me all like Thee:“Then let me on the mountain top
Behold Thy open face,
Where faith in sight is swallowed up,
And prayer in endless praise.”Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 24:27-29
[Luk 24:27] In Thy Glorious Resurrection
In Thy glorious resurrection,
Lord, we see a world’s erection,
Man in Thee is glorified.
Bliss, for which the patriarchs panted,
Joys, by holy psalmists chanted,
Now in Thee are verified.Oracles of former ages,
Veiled in dim prophetic pages,
Now lie open to the sight;
Now the types, which glimmered darkling
In the twilight gloom, are sparkling,
In the blaze of noonday light.Isaac from the wood is risen;
Joseph issues from the prison;
See the Paschal Lamb which saves;
Israel through the sea is landed,
Pharaoh and his hosts are stranded,
And o’erwhelmèd in the waves.See the cloudy pillar leading,
Rock refreshing, manna feeding;
Joshua fights and Moses prays;
See the lifted wave-sheaf, cheering
Pledge of harvest-fruits appearing,
Joyful dawn of happy days.Samson see at night uptearing
Gaza’s brazen gates, and bearing
To the top of Hebron’s hill;
Jonah comes from stormy surges,
From his three-days’ grave emerges,
Bids beware of coming ill.So Thy resurrection’s glory
Sheds a light on ancient story;
And it casts a forward ray,
Beacon light of solemn warning,
To the dawn of that great morning
Ushering in the judgment day.Ever since Thy death and rising
Thou the nations art baptizing
In Thy death’s similitude;
Dead to sin, and ever dying,
And our members mortifying,
May we walk with life renewed!Forth from Thy first Easter going,
Sundays are for ever flowing
Onward to a boundless sea;
Lord, may they for Thee prepare us,
On a holy river bear us
To a calm eternity!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:27] Come Then, Thou Prophet Of The Lord
Come then, Thou Prophet of the Lord,
Thou great Interpreter divine,
Explain Thine own transmitted Word:
To teach, and to inspire is Thine;
Thou only canst Thyself reveal:
Open the Book, and loose the seal.Whate’er the ancient prophets spoke
Concerning Thee, O Christ, make known,
Sole subject of the sacred Book,
Thou fillest all, and Thou alone;
Yet there our Lord we cannot see,
Unless Thy Spirit lends the key.Now, Jesu, now the veil remove,
The folly of our darkened heart;
Unfold the wonders of Thy love,
The knowledge of Thyself impart;
Our ear, our inmost soul we bow;
Speak, Lord, Thy servants hearken now.Make not as Thou wouldst farther go,
Our Friend, and Counselor, and Guide,
But stay, the path of life to show,
Still with our souls vouchsafe t’abide,
Constrained by Thy own mercy stay,
Nor leave us at the close of day.Come in, with Thy disciples sit,
Nor suffer us to ask in vain,
Nourish us, Lord, with living meat,
Our souls with heavenly bread sustain;
Break to us now the mystic bread,
And bid us on Thy body feed.Honor the means ordained by Thee,
The great unbloody sacrifice,
The deep tremendous mystery;
Thyself in our enlightened eyes
Now in the broken bread made known
And show us Thou art all our own.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Abide With Me
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word;
But as Thou dwell’st with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.Come not in terrors, as the King of kings,
But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings,
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea—
Come, Friend of sinners, and thus bide with me.Thou on my head in early youth didst smile;
And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile,
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee,
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Abide With Me, ’tis Eventide
Abide with me, ’tis eventide!
The day is past and gone;
The shadows of the evening fall;
The night is coming on!
Within my heart a welcome Guest,
Within my home abide.Refrain
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, ’tis eventide!
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, ’tis eventide!Abide with me, ’tis eventide!
Thy walk today with me
Has made my heart within me burn,
As I communed with Thee.
Thy earnest words have filled my soul
And kept me near Thy side.Refrain
Abide with me, ’tis eventide!
And lone will be the night,
If I cannot commune with Thee,
Nor find in Thee my light.
The darkness of the world, I fear,
Would in my home abide.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Abide With Us, Our Savior
Abide with us, our Savior,
Nor let Thy mercy cease;
From Satan’s might defend us,
And grant our souls release.Abide with us, our Savior,
Sustain us by Thy Word,
That we may, now and ever,
Find peace in Thee, O Lord.Abide with us, our Savior,
Thou Light of endless Light;
Increase to us Thy blessings,
And save us by Thy might.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Abide With Us, The Day Is Waning
“Abide with us, the day is waning,”
Thus prayed the two while on the way;
We read that Thou, O Lord, remaining,
Didst all their doubts and fears allay.
Incline Thine ear, Thou King of Grace,
When, praying thus, we seek Thy face.At eventide, Thy Spirit sending,
Help us, O Lord, our watch to keep,
In prayer devout before Thee bending,
Ere we our eyelids close in sleep,
Confessing sin in deed and word
With hope of mercy from the Lord.Abide with us; with heav’nly gladness
Illumine, Lord, our darkest day;
And when we weep in pain and sadness,
Be Thou our Solace, Strength and Stay.
Tell of Thy woe, Thy victory won,
When Thou didst pray: “Thy will be done.”Abide with us, O Savior tender,
That bitter day when life shall end,
When to the grave we must surrender,
And fear and pain our hearts shall rend.
The shield of faith do Thou bestow
When trembling we must meet the foe.When earthly help no more availeth,
To sup with us Thou wilt be nigh;
Thou givest strength that never faileth,
In Thee we grave and death defy.
While earth is fading from our sight,
Our eyes behold the realms of light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] As Now The Sun’s Declining Rays
As now the sun’s declining rays
At eventide descend,
So life’s brief day is sinking down
To its appointed end.Lord, on the cross Thine arms were stretched,
To draw Thy people nigh;
O grant us then that cross to love,
And in those arms to die.All glory to the Father be,
All glory to the Son,
All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
While endless ages run.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Day, O Lord, Is Spent, The
The day, O Lord, is spent;
Abide with us, and rest;
Our hearts’ desires are fully bent
On making Thee our Guest.We have not reached that land,
That happy land, as yet,
Where holy angels round Thee stand,
Whose sun can never set.Our sun is sinking now;
Our day is almost o’er;
O Sun of Righteousness, do Thou
Shine on us evermore.From men below the skies,
And all the heavenly host,
To God the Father praise arise,
The Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Day Is Gently Sinking To A Close, The
The day is gently sinking to a close,
Fainter and yet more faint the sunlight glows:
O Brightness of Thy Father’s glory,
Thou eternal Light of light, be with us now:
Where Thou art present darkness cannot be;
Midnight is glorious noon, O Lord, with Thee.Our changeful lives are ebbing to an end;
Onward to darkness and to death we tend;
O Conqueror of the grave, be Thou our Guide;
Be Thou our Light in death’s dark eventide;
Then in our mortal hour will be no gloom,
No sting in death, no terror in the tomb.Thou, who in darkness walking didst appear
Upon the waves, and Thy disciples cheer,
Come, Lord, in lonesome days, when storms assail,
And earthly hopes and human succors fail;
When all is dark, may we behold Thee nigh,
And hear Thy voice, “Fear not, for it is I.”The weary world is moldering to decay,
Its glories wane, its pageants fade away:
In that last sunset, when the stars shall fall,
May we arise, awakened by Thy call,
With Thee, O Lord, forever to abide,
In that blest day which has no eventide.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Since Without You We Do No Good
Since without Thee we do no good,
And with Thee do no ill,
Abide with us in weal and woe,
In action and in will.In weal, that while our lips confess
The Lord Who gives, we may
Remember with a humble thought
The Lord Who takes away.In woe, that while to drowning tears
Our hearts their joys resign,
We may remember Who can turn
Such water into wine.By hours of day, that when our feet
O’er hill and valley run,
We still may think the light of truth
More welcome than the sun.By hours of night, that when the air
Its dew and shadow yields,
We still may hear the voice of God
In silence of the fields.Abide with us, abide with us,
While flesh and soul agree;
And when our flesh is only dust,
Abide our souls with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Tarry With Me (scott)
Tarry with me, O my Savior,
In my heart and life abide,
Keep me by Thy grace and favor,
Ever near Thy loving side.Refrain
Tarry with me, O my Savior,
For I long to have Thee nigh;
By Thy Spirit guide and guard me,
Till I reach my home on high.Tarry with me, O my Savior,
In Thy presence let me rest,
Thou dost know my life and longings,
Thou wilt give me what is best.Refrain
Tarry with me, O my Savior,
Day is fleeting to its close;
Life without Thee is but dreary,
Filled with bitterness and woes.Refrain
Tarry with me, O my Savior,
Walk beside me all the way;
In my joy, and in my sadness,
I shall need Thee every day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 24:29] Tarry With Me (smith)
Tarry with me, O my Savior,
For the day is passing by;
See! the shades of evening gather,
And the night is drawing nigh.Deeper, deeper grow the shadows,
Paler now the glowing west,
Swift the night of death advances;
Shall it be the night of rest?Lonely seems the vale of shadow;
Sinks my heart with troubled fear;
Give me faith for clearer vision,
Speak Thou, Lord, in words of cheer.Let me hear Thy voice behind me,
Calming all these wild alarms;
Let me, underneath my weakness,
Feel the everlasting arms.Feeble, trembling, fainting, dying,
Lord, I cast myself on Thee;
Tarry with me through the darkness;
While I sleep, still watch by me.Tarry with me, O my Savior,
Lay my head upon Thy breast
Till the morning; then awake me—
Morning of eternal rest.Tarry with me, O my Saviour!
For the day is passing by;
See, the shades of evening gather,
And the night is drawing nigh;
Tarry with me—tarry with me;
Pass me not unheeded by!Many friends were gathered round me,
In the bright days of the past;
But the grave has closed above them,
And I linger here the last!
I am lonely: tarry with me
Till this dreary night is past.Dimmed for me is earthly beauty;
Yet the spirit’s eye would fain
Rest upon thy lovely features:
Shall I seek, dear Lord, in vain?
Tarry with me, O my Saviour!
Let me see thy smile again.Dull my ear to earth-born music:
Speak thou, Lord! in words of cheer;
Feeble, tottering my footstep,
Sinks my heart with sudden fear:
Cast thine arms, dear Lord! around me,
Let me feel thy presence near.Faithful memory paints before me
Every deed and thought of sin;
Open thou the blood-filled fountain,
Cleanse my guilty soul within:
Tarry, thou forgiving Saviour!
Wash me wholly from my sin.Deeper, deeper grow the shadows;
Paler now the glowing west;
Swift the night of death advances,—
Shall it be a night of rest?
Tarry with me, O my Saviour!
Lay my head upon thy breast.Feeble, trembling, panting, dying,
Lord! I cast myself on thee:
Tarry with me through the darkness,
While I sleep, still watch by me,
Till the morning,—then awake me
Dearest Lord! to dwell with thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal