Genesis 10:4-6
Kittim <03794> [A.M. 1666. B.C. 2338. Kittim.]
[Chittim. Dodanim. or, Rodanim.]
<0339> [A.M. 1757. B.C. 2247. isles.]
language <03956> [after his.]
sons <01121> [A.M. 1676. B.C. 2228. And the.]
Ham <02526> [Ham.]
Ham signifies burnt or black; and this name was peculiarly significant of the regions allotted to his family. To the Cushites, or descendants of Cush, were allotted the hot southern regions of Asia, along the shores of the Persian Gulf, Susiana or Chusistan, etc.; to the sons of Canaan, Palestine and Syria; to the sons of Mizraim, Egypt and Libya, in Africa.
Cush <03568> [Cush.]
Put <06316> [Phut.]