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Genesis 29:32


named <08034> [A.M. 2252. B.C. 1752. his name.]

Reuben <07205> [Reuben. that is, See a son. looked.]

Genesis 35:22-23


sexual .... Bilhah <07901 01090> [lay with.]

sons <01121> [Now the sons.]

In the Hebrew text, a break is here left in the verse, opposite to which there is a Masoretic note, which states that "there is a hiatus in the verse." This hiatus the LXX., thus supplies: [kai <\\See definition 2532\\> poneros <\\See definition 4190\\> ephane enantion <\\See definition 1726\\> autou <\\See definition 848\\>,] "and it appeared evil in his sight."


Genesis 49:3-4


firstborn <01060> [my firstborn.]

might <03581> [my might.]


destructive <06349> [Unstable.]

excel <03498> [thou shalt not excel. Heb. do not thou excel.]

got ........... got <05927> [because.]

got ........... got .... couch <03326 05927> [he went up to my couch. or, my couch is gone.]

Exodus 6:14


heads <07218> [the heads.]

sons <01121> [The sons.]

heads ......................... clans <07218 04940> [these be.]

Numbers 1:5


Elizur <0468> [Elizur.]

Numbers 1:20-21



That a comparative view may be easily taken of the state of the tribes, we will here produce them, compared with that of the second census, (ch. 26,) in their decreasing proportion, beginning with the greatest and proceeding to the least. 1st Census 2nd Census 1. Judah, 74,600 76,500 2. Dan, 62,700 64,400 3. Simeon, 59,300 22,200 4. Zebulun, 57,400 60,500 5. Issachar, 54,400 64,300 6. Naphtali, 53,400 45,400 7. Reuben, 46,500 43,730 8. Gad, 45,650 40,500 9. Asher, 41,500 53,400 10. Ephraim, 40,500 32,500 11. Benjamin, 35,400 45,600 12. Manasseh, 32,200 52,700 _______ _______ Totals: 603,550 601,730 ------- ------- Thus we find Judah the most populous tribe, and Manasseh the least so; the difference between them being as great as 42,000. Jacob had given Judah the pre-eminence in his prophetic blessing; and that tribe was to have the precedency in the encampments of Israel: accordingly God had increased them more than any of their brethren. Ephraim and Manasseh, according to the same prophecy, were numbered as distinct tribes, Ephraim having the superiority, as it was foretold; and Joseph indeed appears "a fruitful bough."

Numbers 2:10-13


camp ... Reuben ........... Reuben <07205 04264> [camp of Reuben.]

Elizur <0468> [Elizur.]



Shelumiel <08017> [Shelumiel.]


Numbers 26:5-11


firstborn <01060> [the eldest.]

[thy children.]




earth opened <06605 0776> [earth opened.]

Korah <07141> [together.]

The Samaritan text does not intimate that Korah was swallowed up, but that he was burnt, as appears to have been the fact; and the Psalmist also, (Ps 106:17,) only mentions Dathan and Abiram as having been swallowed up. "And the earth swallowed them up, what time that company died; and the fire devoured Korah with the 250 men, who became a sign."

warning <05251> [they became a sign.]


It seems to be intimated in ch. 16:27, 31-33, that the sons and the little ones of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, were swallowed up; but the text here expressly affirms, that the children of Korah "died not;" and their descendants were famous even in David's time. On a close inspection, however, of ver. 27, we shall find, that the sons and the little ones of Dathan and Abiram alone are mentioned.

Deuteronomy 33:6


Deuteronomy 33:1


blessing <01293> [the blessing.]

man <0376> [the man.]

Deuteronomy 2:1-10


turned <06437> [we turned.]

detouring <05437> [we compassed.]


circled ..... long enough now <07227> [long enough.]


cross <05674> [Ye are to pass.]

afraid <03372> [they shall.]

carefully <03966> [take ye.]


footprint <07272 04096> [no, not so much as a foot breadth. Heb. even to the treading of the sole of the foot.]

giving .............. given <05414> [because.]



blessed <01288> [blessed.]

All ..................... travels <03045> [he knoweth.]

forty <0705> [these forty.]


turned away ........................ traveling <05674> [And when.]

Elat <0359> [Elath.]



harass Moab <04124 06696> [Distress not the Moabites. or, Use no hostility against]


Ar <06144> [Ar.]

Ar was situated south of the Arnon; and was called by the Greek writers Areopolis, and thought by them to be so named because the inhabitants worshipped [Ares,] or Mars. St. Jerome says that it was destroyed by an earthquake when he was an infant. Burckhardt supposes that the ruins of a small castle called Mehatet el Hadj, may be the site of this ancient city.

descendants <01121> [the children.]


All the nations here mentioned appear to have been the posterity of Ham, who lay under the prophetical curse of Noah, which was thus executed upon this part of them by the Moabites and Edomites.

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