Hebrews 5:7
During <2250> [the.]
offered <4374> [when.]
with <3326> [with.]
tears <1144> [tears.]
to <4314> [unto.]
both ... and ...... and .............. and <5037 2532> [and.]
During ............................... because of ... devotion <1722 575 2124> [in that he feared. or, for his piety.]
Hebrews 9:4
golden .................... golden <5552> [the golden.]
ark <2787> [the ark.]
golden .................... golden <5552> [was.]
and ..................... Aaron's ..... and <2532 2> [and Aaron's.]
and ... ark ....................... and ... stone tablets <2532 2787 4109> [and the.]
Hebrews 11:12-13
and this one .............. and <2532 5023> [and him.]
as good as ....... stars <798 5616 2531> [as the stars.]
grains of sand <5616 285> [as the sand.]
all died <3956 599> [all died.]
[in faith. Gr. according to faith. not.]
but <235> [but.]
and .... and ....... and <2532 3982> [and were.]
acknowledged <3670> [confessed.]