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Hosea 13:7-8

Therefore I will be unto them as a lion
as a leopard
by the way
will I observe
<07789> (8799)
I will meet
<06298> (8799)
them as a bear
[that is] bereaved
[of her whelps], and will rend
<07167> (8799)
the caul
of their heart
and there will I devour
<0398> (8799)
them like a lion
the wild
shall tear
<01234> (8762)
them. {wild...: Heb. beast of the field}

Job 10:16

For it increaseth
<01342> (8799)_.
Thou huntest
<06679> (8799)
me as a fierce lion
and again
<07725> (8799)
thou shewest thyself marvellous
<06381> (8691)
upon me.

Psalms 7:2

Lest he tear
<02963> (8799)
my soul
like a lion
rending [it] in pieces
<06561> (8802)_,
while [there is] none to deliver
<05337> (8688)_.
{none...: Heb. not a deliverer}

Lamentations 3:10

He [was] unto me [as] a bear
lying in wait
<0693> (8802)_,
[and as] a lion
in secret places

Amos 3:4-8

Will a lion
<07580> (8799)
in the forest
when he hath no prey
will a young lion
cry out
<05414> (8799) <06963>
of his den
if he have taken
<03920> (8804)
{cry: Heb. give forth his voice}
Can a bird
<05307> (8799)
in a snare
upon the earth
where no gin
[is] for him? shall [one] take up
<05927> (8799)
a snare
from the earth
and have taken
<03920> (8799)
nothing at all
<03920> (8800)_?
Shall a trumpet
be blown
<08628> (8735)
in the city
and the people
not be afraid
<02729> (8799)_?
shall there be evil
in a city
and the LORD
hath not done
<06213> (8804)
[it]? {be afraid: or, run together?} {the LORD...: or, shall not the LORD do somewhat?}
Surely the Lord
will do
<06213> (8799)
but he revealeth
<01540> (8804)
his secret
unto his servants
the prophets
The lion
hath roared
<07580> (8804)_,
who will not
<03372> (8799)_?
the Lord
hath spoken
<01696> (8765)_,
who can but prophesy
<05012> (8735)_?

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