Hosea 2:16
husband <0376> [Ishi. that is, My husband.]
master <01180> [Baali. that is, My lord.]
Hosea 2:19-20
commit myself to you ..... commit myself to you <0781> [And I will.]
forever <05769> [for.]
righteousness <06664> [in righteousness.]
acknowledge <03045> [and.]
Jer 9:24 24:7 31:33,34 Eze 38:23 Mt 11:27 Lu 10:22 Joh 8:55
Joh 17:3 2Co 4:6 Php 3:8 Col 1:10 2Ti 1:12 Heb 8:11 1Jo 4:6
1Jo 5:20 [All]