NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Isaiah 11:5

11:5 <02504> wyulx <0232> rwza <0530> hnwmahw <04975> wyntm <0232> rwza <06664> qdu <01961> hyhw(11:5)

11:5 kai <2532> estai <1510> dikaiosunh <1343> ezwsmenov <2224> thn <3588> osfun <3751> autou <846> kai <2532> alhyeia <225> eilhmenov tav <3588> pleurav <4125>

Isaiah 51:9

51:9 <08577> Nynt <02490> tllwxm <07294> bhr <02672> tbuxmh <01931> ayh <0859> ta <03808> awlh <05769> Mymlwe <01755> twrd <06924> Mdq <03117> ymyk <05782> yrwe <03069> hwhy <02220> ewrz <05797> ze <03847> ysbl <05782> yrwe <05782> yrwe(51:9)

51:9 exegeirou <1825> exegeirou <1825> ierousalhm <2419> kai <2532> endusai <1746> thn <3588> iscun <2479> tou <3588> bracionov <1023> sou <4771> exegeirou <1825> wv <3739> en <1722> arch <746> hmerav <2250> wv <3739> genea <1074> aiwnov <165> ou <3364> su <4771> ei <1510>

Job 29:14

29:14 <04941> yjpsm <06797> Pynuw <04598> lyemk <03847> ynsblyw <03847> ytsbl <06664> qdu(29:14)

29:14 dikaiosunhn <1343> de <1161> enededukein <1746> hmfiasamhn de <1161> krima <2917> isa <2470> diploidi

Romans 13:12-14

13:12 hnux proekoqende hmerahggiken taerga touskotouv enduswmeyata oplatou fwtov

13:13 wven hmeraeuschmonwv peripathswmenkwmoiv kaimeyaiv mhkoitaiv kaiaselgeiaiv mheridi kaizhlw

13:14 allaendusasye kurionihsoun cristonkai thvsarkov pronoianmh poieisyeepiyumiav

Romans 13:2

13:2 wsteo antitassomenovexousia thtou yeoudiatagh anyesthkende anyesthkotevkrima lhmqontai <2983> (5695)

Colossians 1:7

1:7 kaywvemayete epafratou agaphtousundoulou hmwnov estinuper hmwndiakonov toucristou

Ephesians 6:14

6:14 sthteperizwsamenoi osfunumwn enalhyeia kaiendusamenoi ywrakathv dikaiosunhv

Ephesians 6:17

6:17 kaithn perikefalaiantou swthrioudexasye thnmacairan toupneumatov oestin yeou

Ephesians 6:1

6:1 tatekna upakouetegoneusin umwn[en kuriw] toutogar estin

Ephesians 5:8

5:8 htepote skotovnun defwv enkuriw wvtekna fwtovperipateite <4043> (5720)

Revelation 19:11

19:11 kaieidon ouranonhnewgmenon idouleukov kaio kayhmenovauton pistov[kaloumenov] alhyinovkai endikaiosunh krineipolemei <4170> (5719)

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