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Isaiah 13:19


Babylon <0894> [Babylon.]

Babylon, whose destruction and utter ruin are here predicted, was situated in the midst of a large plain, having a very deep and fruitful soil, on the Euphrates, about 252 miles south-east of Palmyra, and the same distance north-west of Susa and the Persian gulf, in lat. 32 degrees 30' N. and long. 44 degrees 20' E. According to Herodotus, it formed a perfect square, each side of which was 120 stadia, and consequently its circumference 480 stadia, or sixty miles; inclosed by a wall 200 cubits high, and fifty wide, on the top of which were small watch towers of one story high, leaving a space between them, through which a chariot and four might pass and turn. On each side were twenty-five gates of solid brass; from each of which proceeded a street, 150 feet broad, making in all fifty streets; which, crossing each other at right angles, intersected the city into 676 squares, extending four stadia and a half on each side, along which stood the houses, all built three or four stories high, and highly decorated towards the street; the interior of these squares being employed as gardens, pleasure grounds, etc. Its principal ornaments were the temple of Belus, having a tower of eight stories, upon a base of a quarter of a mile square; a most magnificent palace; and the famous hanging gardens, or artificial mountains raised upon arches, and planted with large and beautiful trees. Cyrus took it by diverting the waters of the Euphrates, which ran through the midst, and entering by the channel; and the river being never restored to its proper course, overflowed the whole country, and made it a morass. Darius Hystaspes afterwards depopulated the place, lowered the walls, and demolished the gates; Xerxes destroyed the temples; the building of Seleucia nearly exhausted it of its inhabitants; a king of the Parthians carried a number of them into slavery, and destroyed the most beautiful parts; so that modern travellers describe it as a mass of shapeless ruins, the habitation of wild beasts.

God <0430> [when God overthrow. Heb. the overthrowing of.]

Isaiah 14:4


taunt <04912> [proverb. or, taunting speech.]

oppressor <05065> [How.]

Hostility <04062> [golden city. or, exactress of gold.]

Jeremiah 50:2


Announce <05046> [Declare.]

it <05375> [set up. Heb. lift up.]

Babylon <0894> [Babylon.]

Bel <01078> [Bel.]

Marduk <04781> [Merodach.]

idols <06091> [her idols.]

Xerxes, after his return from his unsuccessful expedition into Greece, partly out of religious zeal, being a professed enemy to image worship, and partly to reimburse himself after his immense expenses, seized the sacred treasures, and plundered or destroyed the temples and idols of Babylon, thereby accomplishing the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah. (Isa 21:9; 46:1. Jer 50:2; 51:44, 47, 52.) What God declares, "I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth that which he has swallowed," was also literally fulfilled, when the vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem and placed in the temple of Bel, Da 1:2, were restored by order of Cyrus, Ezr 1:7, and again carried to Jerusalem. Bp. Newton, Dis. X.

Jeremiah 51:8


suddenly <06597> [suddenly.]

Cry out in mourning <03213> [howl.]

Get medicine <06875 03947> [take balm.]

Jeremiah 51:64


Babylon <0894> [Thus shall.]

prophecies <03286> [they shall.]

<01697> [Thus far.]

Revelation 14:8


Babylon <897> [Babylon.]

<3754> [because.]

passion <2372> [wrath.]

Revelation 18:2


He shouted <2896> [cried.]

Babylon <897> [Babylon.]

She has become <1096> [become.]

Revelation 18:21


one powerful <1520 2478> [a mighty.]

This was to represent the violence of her fall, and that she should never rise again; which is further illustrated by varied emphatic expressions taken from the ancient prophets. But Rome is still standing and flourishing, and honoured by many nations as the metropolis of the Christian world; she still resounds with singers and musicians; she still excels in arts, which serve for pomp and luxury; she still abounds with candles, and lamps, and torches, burning even by day, as well as by night; and consequently this prophecy has not been, but remains to fulfilled.

With this kind of <3779> [Thus.]

Then ............. threw ................... will be thrown down and it will ... be found <2532 906 2147> [and shall.]

TIP #03: Try using operators (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) to refine your search. [ALL]
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