NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Isaiah 2:10


Go up <0935> [Enter.]

from ... dreadful judgment <06440 06343> [for fear.]

Isaiah 2:19


go <0935> [And they.]

ground ...................... earth <06083 0776> [earth. Heb. dust. for fear.]

rises <06965> [when he.]

Exodus 33:22


cleft <05366> [in a clift.]

cover you with ... hand <05526 03709> [cover thee.]

The rock on which Moses stood, and in the clift of which he was sheltered, was doubtless an emblem of Christ; in whose person, character, and salvation alone, sinners may by faith see the glory of God, and live; for there it appears in softened splendour; as the sun, when his brightness is diminished by a mist, is beheld more distinctly by the human eye.--Scott

Job 30:6


live <07931> [dwell.]

holes <02356> [caves. Heb. holes.]

The Song of Songs 2:14


dove <03123> [my dove.]

clefts <02288> [that art.]

clefts <02288> [clefts.]

hear <08085> [let me hear.]

sweet <06156> [for sweet.]

face .............. face <04758> [thy countenance.]

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