Isaiah 24:1-13
Behold, the LORD
maketh the earth
it upside down
thereof. {turneth...: Heb. perverteth the face thereof}<06440>_,
And it shall be, as with the people
so with the priest
as with the servant
so with his master
as with the maid
so with her mistress
to him. {priest: or, prince}<0834>
The earth
the world
the haughty
of the earth
{the haughty...: Heb. the height of the people}<0776>
The earth
the laws
the ordinance
the everlasting
The mirth
of tabrets
the noise
of them that rejoice
the joy
of the harp
[There is] a crying
for wine
in the streets
all joy
the mirth
of the land