NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Isaiah 33:23


ropes ... slack <02256 05203> [Thy tacklings are loosed. or, they have forsaken thy tacklings.]

loot <05706> [then.]

lame <06455> [the lame.]

Isaiah 33:2


merciful <02603> [be gracious.]

strength <02220> [be thou.]

Deliver <03444> [our salvation.]

Isaiah 7:15-16


sour milk <02529> [Butter.]

Connecting this verse with the preceding and following, we may render with Dr. Jubb and Lowth, "Behold the virgin ({h„ƒlmah,} as the word uniformly signifies, Ge 24:43. Ex 2:8. Ps 68:26. Pr 30:19. So 1:3; 6:8.) shall conceive and bear a son, and thou shalt call his name Immanuel; butter and honey shall he eat when he shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good. For," etc.

know <03045> [know.]


child <05288> [before.]

land <0127> [the land.]

Isaiah 7:2


family <01004> [the house.]

allied ... Ephraim ................. before <05117 06440 0669> [is confederate with. Heb. resteth on.]

emotionally <03824> [And his heart.]

Isaiah 14:13


said <0559> [thou.]

climb up <05927> [I will ascend.]

mountain <02022> [the mount.]

Isaiah 20:1


commanding general <08661> [Tartan.]

Tartan was one of the generals of Sennacherib, who, it is probable, is here called Sargon, and in the book of Tobit, Sacherdonus and Sacherdan, against whom Tirhakah, king of Cush or Ethiopia, was in league with the king of Egypt.

Ashdod <0795> [Ashdod.]

captured <03920> [and took.]

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