Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 40:29-31
- Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72]
The God of Abraham Praise /
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Isaiah 40:2
- Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222b]
1. Agungkan kuasa namaNya; malaikat bersujud!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
2. Hai bintang-bintang fajar t'rang, bersoraklah terus!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji, puji, puji, Yesus, Tuhanmu!
3. Kaum Israel pilihanNya, dosamu ditebus!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
4. Jemaat yang tak melupakan derita Penebus,
b'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
5. Yang mati kar'na namaNya, hai martir yang kudus,
di dalam salib bermegah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
6. Hai waris KerajaanNya, agungkan Putra Daud!
Allahmulah permuliakanlah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!7. Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia, sekarang bertelut;
akui KerajaanNya dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
8. Kiranya kita k'lak serta di sana bersujud.
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu! - Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222a]
1. Agungkan kuasa namaNya; malaikat bersujud!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji Tuhanmu!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
1 Tim 3:16
Ibr 1:6
Why 19:16
2. Hai bintang-bintang fajar t'rang, bersoraklah terus!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji Tuhanmu!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Ayb 38:7
3. Kaum Israel pilihanNya, dosamu ditebus!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Yes 40:1-2
4. Jemaat yang tak melupakan derita Penebus,
b'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan pujian Tuhanmu!
B'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
1 Kor 11:26
5. Yang mati kar'na namaNya, hai martir yang kudus,
di dalam salib bermegah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Di dalam salib bermegah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Mat 24:9
Rm 8:36
Why 6:9
Why 18:24
Gal 6:14
6. Hai waris KerajaanNya, agungkan Putra Daud!
Allahmu permuliakanlah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Allahmu permuliakanlah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Mat 5:3, 10
Yak 2:5
7. Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia, sekarang bertelut;
akui KerajaanNya dan puji Tuhanmu!
Akui KerajaanNya dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Flp 2:9-11
8. Kiranya kita k'lak serta di sana bersujud.
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji Tuhanmu!
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!Why 5:13
Colossians 1:9-10
- Majulah, Majulah [KJ.253]
1. Majulah, majulah, maju dalam t'rang permai dan nyalakanlah
pelita menantikan Mempelai; sumber Hidup hanya Dia.
Umat Tuhan, masuk pintuNya, majulah, majulah!
Yes 60:1
Mat 25:1-13
Mzm 118:20
Mat 7:13-14
Yoh 10:7-9
Why 3:8
2. Tabahlah, tabahlah, tabah tanpa mengeluh; tanggunglah cerca dan duka,
taat sampai ajalmu. Lihat tajuk kehidupan;
biar Iblis datang menerpa, tabahlah, tabahlah!
2 Kor 1:6
Ef 6:10-13
Ibr 12:1-3
1 Ptr 2:21-23
1 Ptr 5:4, 8
Why 2:10
3. Tolaklah, tolaklah tolak rayu dunia yang mencoba memegahkan
dikau oleh hartanya; jangan pandang kesenangan:
janji Iblis dan godaannya tolaklah, tolaklah!
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 1:2-4
Ef 4:27
Yak 4:7
4. Ujilah, ujilah, ujilah setiap roh yang memikat kiri kanan
untuk menyesatkanmu. Ikut Bintang Pengharapan,
tapi yang tersamar nampaknya ujilah, ujilah!
1 Yoh 4:1
5. Tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah, tumbu dalam Tuhanmu: Roh dan Hidup kauseraplah;
jangan maut kautempuh. Subur oleh kuasa Allah
bagai carang hijau s'lamanya tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah!Yoh 15:1-8
Ef 4:15
Kol 1:10-11
Kol 2:19
2 Ptr 3:18
Play - Tuhan, Kau Gembala Kami [KJ.407]
1. Tuhan, Kau Gembala kami, tuntun kami dombaMu;
b'rilah kami menikmati hikmat pengorbananMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu,
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu.
Mzm 23:1
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Kau Pengawal yang setia, Kawan hidup terdekat.
Jauhkan kami dari dosa, panggil pulang yang sesat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon b'ri berkat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon, b'ri berkat.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. JanjiMu, Kaut'rima kami, walau hina bercela;
yang berdosa Kausucikan, Kaubebaskan yang lemah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
4. KehendakMu kami cari, ingin turut maksudMu.
Tuhan, isi hati kami dengan kasihMu penuh.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.Ef 5:17
Kol 1:9
Isaiah 40:29-31
[Isa 40:31] Awake, Our Souls, Away, Our Fears
Awake, our souls! away, our fears!
Let every trembling thought be gone!
Awake, and run the heavenly race,
And put a cheerful courage on.True, ’tis a strait and thorny road,
And mortal spirits tire and faint;
But they forget the mighty God,
That feeds the strength of every saint.O mighty God, Thy matchless power
Is ever new, and ever young;
And firm endures, while endless years
Their everlasting circles run.From Thee, the ever flowing spring,
Our souls shall drink a fresh supply;
While such as trust their native strength
Shall melt away, and droop, and die.Swift as the eagle cuts the air,
We’ll mount aloft to Thine abode;
On wings of love our souls shall fly,
Nor tire along the heavenly road.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 40:31] God, Bless Your Church With Strength!
God, bless Your church with strength!
Wherever we may be,
Upbuild Your servants as we work
In common ministry.
Urge us from fledgling faith
To venture and to soar
Through open skies, to sing the praise
Of Christ whom we adore.God, bless Your church with life!
May all our branches thrive,
Unblemished, wholesome, bearing fruit,
Abundantly alive.
From You, one holy vine,
In freedom may we grow;
Sustain us in our mission, Lord,
Your love and peace to show.God, bless Your church with hope!
Despite chaotic days,
May we in chaos shine to light
A pathway through life’s maze.
May justice be our aim,
And kindness ours to share,
In humbleness O may we walk,
Assured our God is there!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 40:31] Never Mind, Go On!
In the fight, say, does your heart grow weary?
Do you find your path is rough and thorny?
And above the sky is dark and stormy?
Never mind, go on!
Lay aside all fear, and onward pressing,
Bravely fight, and God will give His blessing;
Though the war at times may prove distressing,
Never mind, go on!Refrain
When the road we tread is rough,
Let us bear in mind,
In our Savior strength enough
We may always find;
Though the fighting may be tough
Let our motto be:
Go on, go on to victory!Faithful be, delaying not to follow
Where Christ leads, though it may be through sorrow;
If the strife should fiercer grow tomorrow,
Never mind, go on!
Cheerful be, it will your burdens lighten,
One glad heart will always others brighten;
Though the strife the coward’s soul may frighten,
Never mind, go on!Refrain
When downhearted, look away to Jesus,
Who for you did shed His blood most precious;
Let us say, though all the world should hate us;
Never mind, go on!
Do your best in fighting for your Savior,
For His sake fear not to lose men’s favor;
If beside you should a comrade waver,
Never mind, go on!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 40:31] Rise In The Strength Of God
Rise in the strength of God,
And face life’s uphill way,
The steps which other feet have trod
You tread today.Press onward, upward still,
To win your way at last,
With better hope and stronger will
Than in the past.Life’s work more nobly wrought,
Life’s race more bravely run,
Life’s daily conflict faced and fought,
Life’s duty done.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 40:2
[Isa 40:2] Safe Home, Safe Home In Port!
Safe home, safe home in port!
Rent cordage, shattered deck,
Torn sails, provisions short,
And only not a wreck;
But oh! the joy upon the shore
To tell our voyage—perils o’er!The prize, the prize secure!
The athlete nearly fell;
Bare all he could endure,
And bare not always well;
But he may smile at troubles gone
Who sets the victor-garland on.No more the foe can harm;
No more of leaguered camp,
And cry of night alarm,
And need of ready lamp;
And yet how nearly he had failed—
How nearly had that foe prevailed!The lamb is in the fold,
In perfect safety penned;
The lion once had hold,
And thought to make an end;
But One came by with wounded side,
And for the sheep the Shepherd died.The exile is at home!
O nights and days of tears,
O longings not to roam,
O sins and doubts and fears;
What matters now grief’s darkest day?
The King has wiped those tears awayPlay source: Cyberhymnal