Isaiah 65:17-25
create <01254> [I create.]
former <07223> [the former.]
anymore <03820> [into mind. Heb. upon the heart.]
12:4-6 42:10-12 44:23 49:13 51:11 52:7-10 66:10-14 Ps 67:3-5
Ps 96:10-13 98:1-9 Zep 3:14 Zec 9:9 1Th 5:16 Re 11:15-18
Re 19:1-6 [All]
<01523> [I will.]
sound ... weeping <01065 06963> [the voice of weeping.]
infants <05764> [There shall.]
<02398> [but.]
live as long as <03117> [for as.]
enjoy to the fullest <01086> [long enjoy. Heb. make them continue long, or, shall wear out.]
work <03021> [shall.]
49:4 55:2 61:9 Le 26:3-10,20,22,29 De 28:3-12,38-42
Ho 9:11-14 Hag 1:6 2:19 Mal 3:10 1Co 15:58 [All]
disaster ........... descendants <0928 02233> [for.]
58:9 Ps 32:5 50:15 91:15 Da 9:20-23 10:12 Mr 11:24
Lu 15:18-20 Ac 4:31 10:30-32 12:5-16 1Jo 5:14,15 [All]
wolf <02061> [wolf.]
dirt <06083> [dust.]
injure <07489> [shall not.]
royal <06944> [my.]